by jgarza00 » 03 Aug 2014, 12:41
Another issue that is common is what EQ2 refers to as Multi-Sampling, aka Anti-Aliasing. Make sure it's OFF! Also, while the developers have attempted to make EQ2 more multi-core compatible it is, like BJ said, best to leave this option OFF while multi-boxing. On my machine, I only see gains with this option ON while running one solitary character; it will screw you running two or more. Your system should be fine to 6 box ~20 fps, if not more, my quad-core has less power than yours, relatively speaking, and sees about 21 fps idle, 16 fps during combat (with 6 sessions running). What has ALWAYS, 100% of the time, without fail, first two things I check, never seen anything different, am I making myself clear?, caused my system(s) Laaag is either Multi-Core Support and/or Multi-Sampling defaulting back to the ON state.
Here's where it gets crazy (lol not really crazy but I can explain why this happens).
I use ISBoxer profiles to load up my toons with preset EQ2 Options (i.e., min res, max letterbox, min animation rates, basically load into 8-bit Super Mario looking displays except for the tank I'm 'playing'). This, combined with Load options within OgreManager guarantees my sessions are taking as little CPU/GPU power as possible. However, if I have to log in ONE character alone to perform various chores (broker, crafting, adornments, etc.) ISBoxer will associate the EQ2 Options of that character (loaded up on a 'single' session without the graphic inhibiters) and the next time the group is loaded ISBoxer will apply those 'enhanced' options to that character. To avoid this, I have to load up a single character as part of their group (with the graphic inhibiters) even though I'm only going to use them alone for a while. Otherwise the only fix is to go and reset the EQ2 Options again. This explanation will probably only make sense to users that take advantage of ISBoxer profiles. Cheers!