don'tdoit wrote:From IRC:
[08:48.37] <macker> I'd reply to that, but then I'd have to register on the forums
[08:51.03] <macker> Someone else quote me: Ragefire is a DPS check, either AE DPS(in which case the tanks stats don'tmatter much) or ST DPS(in which case the tanks stats matter). If you just want to complete the quest get Ragefire to pop in Labs, Halls or VD and charm 2 pets. One with the coercer and one with the warden and let the pets AE the adds that pop down
[08:52.53] <macker> Pet suggestions are: Labs - aerguards or something, Halls - pyrocaster or aerguard, VD - aerguard if you're prepared to go to the annoyance, otherwise felguards work if your tank is a bit beefier
[08:59.50] <freedo> why quote that utter horseshit of a replay
[08:59.52] <freedo> reply
[09:05.56] <macker> rampaging freedo
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