Set up for...msgs through uplink

Set up for...msgs through uplink

Postby HappyBunny » 21 Jan 2014, 17:06

Be nice to have a way to send those messages through the uplink to the other toons in the group rather than having them go through eq2 group chat.

~Thanks :mrgreen:
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Joined: 18 Jan 2014, 19:17

Re: Set up for...msgs through uplink

Postby bjcasey » 21 Jan 2014, 17:32

Also for those wondering.

You can add any Ogre command to the custom file on page 5 and have it relay to group, raid or IRC silently.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2013, 08:23

Re: Set up for...msgs through uplink

Postby Kannkor » 22 Jan 2014, 14:35

HappyBunny wrote:Be nice to have a way to send those messages through the uplink to the other toons in the group rather than having them go through eq2 group chat.

~Thanks :mrgreen:

Following will be patched out by end of day today.

Added: SetUpFor___ Takes 2 parameters
Parameter1: CommandForWho
Parameter2: Name of the mob to set up for
Example: all, Dagrin Would have everyone do the 'set up for Dagrin' command.

Added: InjectChat Takes 2 Parameters
Parameter1: CommandForWho
Parameter2: Entire chat message to inject as if it was said in raid
Example: all, set up for dagrin Would have everyone do 'set up for Dagrin' command.
In theory, you should be able to put anything here you want, and any script monitoring in-game chat, would see this message as if it was said in raid chat. IE: You could make: set up for bj ____ buttons using this.
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Re: Set up for...msgs through uplink

Postby HappyBunny » 03 Feb 2014, 18:30

/thumbs up!

Thank you much
Posts: 5
Joined: 18 Jan 2014, 19:17

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