AW: Native Mettle [Heroic III] - The Aurum Outlaw

AW: Native Mettle [Heroic III] - The Aurum Outlaw

Postby Kannkor » 29 Mar 2024, 16:10

Disclaimer: This is the challenge mode Heroic 3 of this expansion. You MUST be well geared, be able to pay attention, and do some manual things, or this zone will not go well for you. You will need some basic understandings of the fights.

Do a Setupfor
This will flagtoon 1 (fighter by default) who will do a HO for window of opportunity.
This will flagtoon 2 (a random scout) who will do scouts honor.
This will set up an auto target list (you can modify it as you see fit).
You are free to change who has the flags, but make sure you ONLY have 1 person with flag 1, and 1 person with flag 2.
Your group will place at
Code: Select all
. While you are technically free to move to any campspot you want, if you get hit by the birds, you get to deal with that mechanic (not coded).

The HOs are automatic when needed. Note: On rare occasion, the HO wheel will get messed up, and you may need to do an in-game command of
Code: Select all
to fix it. I may have this resolved internally.. but if it ever gets messed up, that's the easy fix for it.
The eyepatch/bulwark is all automatic.

YOU are responsible for managing the adds, that includes pulling them. I would highly recommend using either an enchanter, or a priest to pull because you can self cure the noxious (mage's cure magic works fine on it). If you pull a hat mob, pull with dispell, otherwise a mage will automatically dispell when the mob gets to camp (it's just easier to not pull hat mobs, or dispell on pull, so they aren't ranging you causing problems).
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

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