[Guide] The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Heroic]

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[Guide] The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Heroic]

Postby Kannkor » 26 Aug 2016, 05:41

A lot of questions about this zone have been asked. I'll do my best to outline how I do this zone, and some personal opinions/tips that I have gathered from various people.

First, let me say, I loathe this zone. I think the way the trash is designed is absolutely unfun. They added the anti-mass pull. Meaning every mob near by adds a stacking buff to the mobs that make them hit much, much harder. Fine... but then, all named comes with linked trash that has this buff as well. Some areas you pull the named with 7 trash mobs. This gives them all 8 stacks. They hit VERY fucking hard until you kill off a few trash mobs.

First off: Trash.
Trash in this zone do the following:
Uncurable knockback + stun. Hope you like getting kick off into the oblivion.
Uncurable fear. Get Death touch charms on everyone for the fear immunity.
Uncurable mez. I really like how when a mob mez's you, they can still beat on you and not break the mez.
Mem wipes.. a lot of mem wipes.

Trash is challenging to pull, because if you do it near mobs on another floor, or walls, you will get all those mobs too. Remember... stacking buff for each mob, you can't survive with too many mobs.

Other than a few specific parts, I don't seem to have too many issues with this. I don't charge into rooms, I always pull mobs out to the previous room (with walls, don't fight on ledges because of KB/fear).

Okay... to the actual zone now.

Note: You can do most of the named in any order. Some have some specific requirements like kill another mob first, but most of it is logical.
Note: A LOT of mobs in this zone can be stunned/stifled. I personally went through a few of my toons and put all their stuns/stifles at the top of their caststack. I "feel" this has helped a lot. To each their own.

Named 1: Mai'sith, the Devouring One
Resolve: 150
I personally pull him to the zone entrance.
Comes with a few trash mobs. I personally just focus the named and AE the rest down. He does a tail lash if you don't keep him stunned/stifled which I believe hits really hard to anyone behind him (it will kill you). Having said that, he never ever casts it for me.
When he dies, loot the herb.

Go up the ramp, to where the first named was, but don't go into his room. Go left, then jump off the edge onto the other bridge.
Clear the trash in that room. Then click the a burning brazier. It opens the door.

Named 2: Zhi'feng, Lady of Darkness
Resolve: 150
If you fight this named outside of where he is, he heals a lot. If you fight him inside, he does extra damage. Someone said they think you're suppose to tank him near the room but not in it?
I found it to be way easier to just fight IN his room and deal with the extra damage. Has a KB but lots of corners in his room.

Return back to where the first named was. (Or Evac and run up the ramp).
There's only one place to go for now, clear the trash (pulling it back to the room where the first named was if you want).

Named 3: Vzee'rist the Overseer
Resolve: 150
Casts a buff that heals/wards himself, can be dispelled with a mage's absorb magic.
Mem wipes a lot "Named failed to inflict damage upon you, so turns her attention to someone else!". Unlikely you will have enough snaps to keep her the entire fight.. so.. deal with it.
Tank and spank' ultimately.

Challenge: I dare you to pull the trash from across the way from where the 3rd named was. I DARE YOU!

If you tried the challenge, run back from the zone in after you wiped. There's two paths here.
We're going to go in the doorway on the LOWER level, technically before you went up the stairs to the 3rd named.

Named 4: K'hazid
Curses his target every once in a while. Must be cured.
Spawns 'molten core' adds. When one dies, it resets your priests 'Cure Curse'.
Me personally, I just stay on the named and AE the adds down. I've never had an issue with curing the curse. If you are having an issue, kill an add when appropriate to reset your cures.

You can see a named just below where K'hazid is, Mistress Zhvari. You can't get to him yet. That's the boss. We'll come back when we can get to her.
That's it for here, return back to the 3rd named, and we'll take other path.
As you clear up, you'll come to a room where you can go straight across a bridge (path 1) OR left into a corridor (path 2).
We'll obviously be taking path 1.
I personally pull the trash from the next room across the bridge into this room.

Named 5: Zsisae, the Quiet Thinker
Tank and spank. (If he does anything at all, I'm unaware).

Where the 5th named was, there is a ramp going down. It's a bit hidden. There are two paths to go. Left up stairs, or right. Lets go left up the stairs.
You will come into a room that opens up. This is where we will fight the next named.

Named 6: K'huthas
This named will split into 2 at the following percents: 90, 75, 50, 25. This means if you do your targeting really poorly, you can end up with 16 mobs at once. Yes, 16. Each one has a AE KB that does a moderate amount of damage and needs to be cured. If you think you can survive 16 of these detriments on you, you are mistaken.
When they split, if anyone is close to them (within 5-10 meters), they die.
Do a 'set up for khuthas', and your tank will target the most efficient way.
My strategy for this mob, is to place my group in a corner, so the KBs are minimal. Then keep the named 15-19m away from the group. This way I only have to move my tank when they split, to keep the priests healing/curing.

While we're here... we may as well take out the boss, Mistress Zhvari. Go up to where K'huthas was, and you can see Zhvari.

Named 7: Mistress Zhvari, Nizari'zhi
Two important things. You are going to get knocked around and stunned. And she memwipes. If you get knocked off the ledge and she memwipes to that person, she will reset. It's a great fucking mechanic full of fun.
Her two snake adds, Nizari'oshu praetor are the ones that do the knockback. Kill them ASAP.
Because you will get kb'd at least once or twice while killing them, you will want to get to the door behind her, and campspot. This will help mitigate the knockback a lot, but it's not 100%. So get those adds dead!
After that, I just kill Zhvari and AE the adds.
She does the memwipe thing too. She does hit pretty hard, so I do my best to maintain aggro on my tank.

We don't have much choice since we're stuck on this platform... Evac and we can start over.
From zone in:
Head across the bridge (where first named was).
Up a bunch of stairs (where the 3rd named was). Make sure you take the "path 2" here, where you go where the 3rd named was.
We come back to an open room where we could cross a bridge, or go left. Last time we went across the bridge. This time we're going left.
One of the rooms you come to, has stairs down (they are hard to see). Ignore them. We won't be going down there. You go left.
Clear the trash, will bring us to the next named.

Named 8: Sshi'vaez the Studious
"Randomly" puts an uncurable curse on people. You have to click a specific book on a bookcase to remove it, or you die. If you are near the bookcase, Ogrebot will automatically click it. If for some reason you are difficult and aren't fighting near the bookcase, move yourself near it, then click Special_ZoneSpecific should click it for you also.
I personally pull everything to outside the room, get stable and make sure no one dies, then move into the room and campspot near the bookcases.

Go up the stairs behind where Studious was. There is a stone door. Click it a few hundred times and it'll finally open.
This leads you to a bridge with with a platform with 3 bridges leading off it. We will be going "upstairs" (south).

Named 9: Aeri'ssth, the Magic Weaver
You'll want to charge her room, because adds spawn in the room that we need to kill.
You'll want to kill: Aeri'ssth's summoned elemental as they spawn. These buff the named and make her AE hit quite hard. If you can't kill these summoned elementals before the next one spawns, you're going to be in a world of trouble. This is basically a DPS check.

Once dead, click on the thingy on the ground. This turns the x4 (immune) (the 10th named) to a x2 that is killable.

Continue on your path, and you come to the next named:

Named 10: Dutheris, the Dying Dark
Every once in a while he will curse everyone. In order to break the curse you have to kill all 4 adds.. OR cure it. The adds have a lot of HP. I believe you can stun/stifle him from casting it.
I believe you want to mana drain him to prevent his AE from doing much.
I personally do the following.
This step has to be done only once.
Code: Select all
Make an auto target with the following:
a living shadow

Save it as 'Dutheris'
Do this on each computer. You do not have to do it on each session, just 1 session per computer.
Reload the bot.
Verify on everyone's 'AutoTarget' tab they have values selected. For example: Scan Radius: 40, Scan Height: 5, Rescan time (MS): 250. If someone doesn't have values in here, use the values I mentioned and save their profile.
If you've already done this step once, you do not have to do it ever again.

Turn AutoTarget on on everyone: !c -ATT all TRUE
Load the AutoTarget list on everyone: !c -LATL Dutheris all
Clear everyones target: !c -NoTarget
Then pull.
People will target whatever they can, be the named (if they can see him), or the adds (if you have the curse).
If you really want, you can set your cure curses to cure your tank and main DPS first, so they can continue killing the named quicker.

Congratulations! You just beat the game... I mean zone.
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Re: [Guide] The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Heroic]

Postby Quigly4000 » 26 Aug 2016, 14:36

Two things: the studious named curses each time an add dies and only each one corresponds to an archetype.

The x2 shadow named curse is aoe avoidable. He will emote before he casts. Just pop bd or tshell and only the tank will get curse at which point it can be cured.

Otherwise that walkthrough has also been my experience :)
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Re: [Guide] The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Heroic]

Postby Nalik » 26 Aug 2016, 17:53

Thanks Kannkor. Glad to see I wasn't the only one finding it frustrating. I think most of my wipes were from trying to find the right way to pull each set of trash. It's crazy fun having one toon feared into adds, or off a ledge. :roll:
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Re: [Guide] The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Heroic]

Postby Eyedea » 27 Aug 2016, 09:59

Nalik wrote:Thanks Kannkor. Glad to see I wasn't the only one finding it frustrating. I think most of my wipes were from trying to find the right way to pull each set of trash. It's crazy fun having one toon feared into adds, or off a ledge. :roll:

Grab some Death Touch charms on everybody from the merchant. You can also get Blinding Gleam (fear immunity) purple runes for your priests/mages but DT seems like a better option. Also Id get stun/stiffle runes for your priests. I just grabbed an extra weapon/secondary from the merchant in ToT. Im having fun in the zone, even though I have zero use for any of the armor/jewelery Ive seen minus the belts that also drop in SK.
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Re: [Guide] The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Heroic]

Postby Nalik » 27 Aug 2016, 16:21

Yea, initially I put blinding gleam on the mages/priests, but after seeing how effective DT is at getting the trash down I think taking it on all 6 will be very effective.
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Re: [Guide] The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Heroic]

Postby Cheesy » 03 Sep 2016, 07:47

Am I missing something on the Mistress Zhvari, Nizari'zhi named?

I can get the 2 snake adds down nps, but then throughout the fight the 'Power of Nizari' adds just do ridiculous amounts of damage and wipe through the group. Even trying to burn them down directly they spawn just as quick as killed.
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Re: [Guide] The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Heroic]

Postby freedo » 05 Sep 2016, 15:02

I was on a game break and came back this weekend - this guide and primalz suggestion helped with the boss fight., and all the others . Now that freedo has run it, I look down pathetically on those who have not finished it out yet. <scorcher_lives>

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