Got this great idea to re-spec both enchanters... Then parse it out. I wasn't using any food/drink at all for these tests (by mistake.. ).
(05:33) training dummy: 93773625 Coe-Blinding Shock-32169943
Warlock | 18466872
Brig | 15334604
Swash | 13277606
Illy | 10151051
Coe | 8071101
Troubador | 6723734
ShallRemainNameless | 6206669
Dirge | 5847782
MageGroupPriest | 3166088
Guardian | 2778994
TankGroupPriest | 1958183
Defiler | 1739511
ShallRemainNameless_LittleThing | 51430
P.S. I didn't cheat and use a monk to pad my parse!
(05:33) training dummy: 230997024 Coe-Temporal Mimicry-29420881
Warlock | 59919930
Swash | 41720093
Brig | 26976913
Illy | 20892270
Coe | 15378886
Dirge | 14475161
Troub | 13801445 (oops, 75% ae auto)
ShallRemainNameless | 12773424
MageGroupPriest | 8907845
Guardian | 6415653
TankGroupPriest | 5382448
Defiler | 4303443
ShallRemainNameless_LittleThing | 49512
Moral of the story.. Eyedea's Ranger can suck it on AE fights! Warlock still wins! (And he didn't have to buy any of his DPS!)