v17, cast tab of doom

v17, cast tab of doom

Postby pz » 12 Dec 2013, 06:21

is 'notself' = notselfraid?
the actual 'cast order' window, would be cool if it extended below the rest of the ui when that tab is up, maybe double its length
unselected spells, can we get a color besides black? really hard to read them without highlighting
'bind wound' should show in out of combat buffs imo

cure curse target @group/@raid entries spamming: Error:No such 'actor' member 'Cursed' @${Me.ToActor.Cursed} -- they DO work with plain "group" or "raid" so not sure whats up
alleviation doesnt have dropdown entries
enduring breath shows as ca/namedca (should be buff) not really matters but
redemption (deathsave) shows as ca/namedca

ancestral savior (ds) shows as ca/namedca
cure curse target @group/@raid entries spamming: Error:No such 'actor' member 'Cursed' @${Me.ToActor.Cursed}
oberon shows as ca/namedca
rejuvenation shows ca/namedca
ritual healing shows ca/namedca
velium winds should have a maintained option
circle of teh agents blue aoe no dropdown entry

item:robust arcane remedy wont let me choose target (the other ones do..)
manaflow nothing in dropdown
channel ii nothing in dropdown
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Re: v17, cast tab of doom

Postby Kannkor » 12 Dec 2013, 09:27

primalz wrote:misc
is 'notself' = notselfraid?
Anything with a @ will be removed. But no, 'notself' = not self group.

the actual 'cast order' window, would be cool if it extended below the rest of the ui when that tab is up, maybe double its length
Not sure I can. If I extend the window beyond the 'Ogrebot' UI, you can visually see it, but can't interact with it.

unselected spells, can we get a color besides black? really hard to read them without highlighting
Agreed. Will do colours based on spell type... ... at some stage.

'bind wound' should show in out of combat buffs imo

cure curse target @group/@raid entries spamming: Error:No such 'actor' member 'Cursed' @${Me.ToActor.Cursed} -- they DO work with plain "group" or "raid" so not sure whats up

alleviation doesnt have dropdown entries

enduring breath shows as ca/namedca (should be buff) not really matters but

redemption (deathsave) shows as ca/namedca

ancestral savior (ds) shows as ca/namedca

cure curse target @group/@raid entries spamming: Error:No such 'actor' member 'Cursed' @${Me.ToActor.Cursed}

oberon shows as ca/namedca

rejuvenation shows ca/namedca

ritual healing shows ca/namedca

velium winds should have a maintained option
Non-issue at this stage. Acts as normal nuke

circle of teh agents blue aoe no dropdown entry
Fixed. I assume I'll have to do this for every single blue AE with no target limit.

item:robust arcane remedy wont let me choose target (the other ones do..)

manaflow nothing in dropdown

channel ii nothing in dropdown
Can't reproduce... so I think I fixed it with one of the other 84 changes :)

Few items still in there I need more time to investigate.
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Re: v17, cast tab of doom

Postby pz » 14 Dec 2013, 14:16

ok new stuff;

figured out what i was trying to explain about the cure pots;
if you select a cure pot from the ability list after you've selected a normal cure, it requires you to put in a target
trauma pot in that image is after i clicked on another entry then added fresh, to show the difference

zealous smite dropdown as cure

master's intervention dropdown as cure, should be.. combat?
heal servant dropdown cure, should be heal
transference should be heal

can we block illusions from showing in ability list
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Re: v17, cast tab of doom

Postby Kannkor » 15 Dec 2013, 13:02

primalz wrote:ok new stuff;

figured out what i was trying to explain about the cure pots;
if you select a cure pot from the ability list after you've selected a normal cure, it requires you to put in a target
trauma pot in that image is after i clicked on another entry then added fresh, to show the difference
Unable to reproduce
zealous smite dropdown as cure
Fixed. ('Cures' must be beneficial)

master's intervention dropdown as cure, should be.. combat?
heal servant dropdown cure, should be heal
transference should be heal
Fixed all 3

can we block illusions from showing in ability list
Abilities with "Illusion:" are no longer added to the Cast Stack.
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Re: v17, cast tab of doom

Postby jgarza00 » 19 Dec 2013, 13:47

primalz wrote:conjuror
master's intervention dropdown as cure, should be.. combat?
heal servant dropdown cure, should be heal

Master's Intervention is a death save, should be...heal?
Heal Servant also cures the pet, can Ogre detect detriments on pets?

Sorry, I don't know if this thread was meant for reply, just my 2cp. :)


PS Speaking of colours, your forum buttons are white with light gray text lmfao /hug <3
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Re: v17, cast tab of doom

Postby jgarza00 » 20 Dec 2013, 07:20

OBservations, for what they're worth. This overhaul is really neat!

When adding abilities to the CastStack can options persist, this may be impossible since the options change based on what's selected. It just seems that I selected CA as a Type for YEARS! ;)

Would it make sense to scroll the CastStack as abilited are added so we can see the additions as they're inputted? Also, can the list be taller (this was already mentioned I think)?

Mystic: Lunar Attendant (dumbfire that wards group); showing no target options when "heal" is selected as Type

Item: Veteran Revival does not have Res available as a Type

Item: Greater Redemption of Failure (12 man rez signet); Res not listed as Type

Hearts/Shards appear as Items, Setup still has "Ask for Hearts/Shards from:," so will Ogre still ask for more? Or, was this what you meant when you said you might add support if there is need?

Inquisitor: Smite Heretic (Encounter Reactive Damage) displays IAE rather than IE as an option

Coercer: Cannibalize Thoughts (single target, nuke/debuff; group power-over-time) displays IE option as NamedCA/CA - maybe because description states "...granting power over time to the coercer's group," or because bullet point says, "Increases power of group memebers (AE)..."

How about an added functionality to "Buff," so that when double-clicked/gray'd out Ogre cancels it. ;)

Dirge: Scream of Death (single target DoT), reuse can be cleared through right-side prestige but there is no ID option with NamedCA/CA as Type

Summoner: Shockwave (AA choice, commands pet to perform a blue AE) has no options for IAE probably because Target=Caster's Pet since you "command" the pet to do the AE

Necromancer: Necrotic Reconstruction (pet heal) was going to put "Pet: My Pet" as target but doesn't ask for a target, does Ogre know that the Target=Caster's Pet in the description?

Conjuror: Master's Intervention (pet death save) was going to put "Pet: My Pet" as target but doesn't ask for a target, does Ogre know that the Target=Caster's Pet in the description?

Monk: Mend (heal/cure) only showing Cure as Type

Hope this is worth something, thanks!

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Re: v17, cast tab of doom

Postby Kannkor » 20 Dec 2013, 15:23

jgarza00 wrote:OBservations, for what they're worth. This overhaul is really neat!

When adding abilities to the CastStack can options persist, this may be impossible since the options change based on what's selected. It just seems that I selected CA as a Type for YEARS! ;)
May look at this later. I may be able to do something. I wouldn't hold your breath any time soon.. :)

Would it make sense to scroll the CastStack as abilited are added so we can see the additions as they're inputted? Also, can the list be taller (this was already mentioned I think)?
CastStack will now auto-scroll to the bottom when you add a new ability. I can't just make the listbox larger. When it's larger than it's parent (the background), any part that is larger, isn't interactable. So you wouldn't be able to click/interact etc.

Mystic: Lunar Attendant (dumbfire that wards group); showing no target options when "heal" is selected as Type
Cause it's a self only ability. I'll have to come up with something for these types of abilities... Not sure yet.

Item: Veteran Revival does not have Res available as a Type
Remind me about this later. I have to add item res support in first.

Item: Greater Redemption of Failure (12 man rez signet); Res not listed as Type
Remind me about this later. I have to add item res support in first.

Hearts/Shards appear as Items, Setup still has "Ask for Hearts/Shards from:," so will Ogre still ask for more? Or, was this what you meant when you said you might add support if there is need?
Good catch. Going to remove these from the UI for now. That code doesn't exist at the moment anymore.

Inquisitor: Smite Heretic (Encounter Reactive Damage) displays IAE rather than IE as an option
My inq has no such ability. Need more info

Coercer: Cannibalize Thoughts (single target, nuke/debuff; group power-over-time) displays IE option as NamedCA/CA - maybe because description states "...granting power over time to the coercer's group," or because bullet point says, "Increases power of group memebers (AE)..."
Fixed. I had to hardcode it. There are probably others that will require this also. Once this is patched, you will have to DELETE your abilityexport for the coercer, before this will take effect.

How about an added functionality to "Buff," so that when double-clicked/gray'd out Ogre cancels it. ;)
Possible, but not at this time. Can add this as an official feature request if you want in it's own thread.

Dirge: Scream of Death (single target DoT), reuse can be cleared through right-side prestige but there is no ID option with NamedCA/CA as Type
You should use left side prestige instead... :) Going to have to leave this one for now. There are a few hack jobs I could do to give it an ID option, but I don't really like any of them.

Summoner: Shockwave (AA choice, commands pet to perform a blue AE) has no options for IAE probably because Target=Caster's Pet since you "command" the pet to do the AE
Correct. Stupid pets.. Can I recommend a ranger?

Necromancer: Necrotic Reconstruction (pet heal) was going to put "Pet: My Pet" as target but doesn't ask for a target, does Ogre know that the Target=Caster's Pet in the description?
Yes, Ogrebot knows when it's a pet only ability, so has no reason for you to enter it requires your pet as a target.

Conjuror: Master's Intervention (pet death save) was going to put "Pet: My Pet" as target but doesn't ask for a target, does Ogre know that the Target=Caster's Pet in the description?
Stop using pet classes... :)

Monk: Mend (heal/cure) only showing Cure as Type
Hmm... As a short term fix, I can make this either a heal, or a cure, but not both. I'll have to do something that will allow it to do both.

Hope this is worth something, thanks!

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Re: v17, cast tab of doom

Postby jgarza00 » 20 Dec 2013, 20:49

Kannkor wrote:I can't just make the listbox larger. When it's larger than it's parent (the background), any part that is larger, isn't interactable. So you wouldn't be able to click/interact etc.[/color]

* Make the parent taller, it's too much to scroll through on 24 characters, tada!
* I realize changing the UI is a hassle, but this is a rewrite afterall. :)
* And, you can add more options for stun/stifle breakers!
* And, you can replace the 'probably soon outdated' TWO options for Primary/Secondary Group Cures with a list to add as many as we get over-time. (Raid Options tab)

Kannkor wrote:Mystic: Lunar Attendant (dumbfire that wards group); showing no target options when "heal" is selected as Type
Cause it's a self only ability. I'll have to come up with something for these types of abilities... Not sure yet.

* There's a key word in the description that says it's a beneficial AE spell (i.e., "beneficial," "allies,").
* How does Ogre know the difference between a single target and encounter damaging dumbfire pet (i.e., Necromancer's Blighted Horde & Awaken Grave vs. Undead Horde)
* I'm guessing the Necro example was hard coded because the Conj's Roaring Flames is not. :\

Kannkor wrote:Inquisitor: Smite Heretic (Encounter Reactive Damage) displays IAE rather than IE as an option
My inq has no such ability. Need more info

* Prestige (right-side) replacement for Heresy, same spell description except that it procs "on any combat or spell hit" rather than just "on a spell cast."
* My Inquisitor would go LD spec'd down the left side. ;P

Kannkor wrote:Summoner: Shockwave (AA choice, commands pet to perform a blue AE) has no options for IAE probably because Target=Caster's Pet since you "command" the pet to do the AE
Correct. Stupid pets.. Can I recommend a ranger?

* Description says, "Inflicts # - # melee damage on targets in Area of Effect"
* Description lists a Range, "Up to 35.0 meters"
* Target is a player controlled entity
* Sounds like blue AE to me, I'm guessing you're still tweaking the logic Ogre uses to identify?

Kannkor wrote:Necromancer: Necrotic Reconstruction (pet heal) was going to put "Pet: My Pet" as target but doesn't ask for a target, does Ogre know that the Target=Caster's Pet in the description?
Yes, Ogrebot knows when it's a pet only ability, so has no reason for you to enter it requires your pet as a target.

* Ogre also knows to watch for the Pet's HP?

Kannkor wrote:Conjuror: Master's Intervention (pet death save) was going to put "Pet: My Pet" as target but doesn't ask for a target, does Ogre know that the Target=Caster's Pet in the description?
Stop using pet classes... :)

* I can't be the only one! :)

Kannkor wrote:Monk: Mend (heal/cure) only showing Cure as Type
Hmm... As a short term fix, I can make this either a heal, or a cure, but not both. I'll have to do something that will allow it to do both.

* It's a substantial heal (50.7% - 58.2% of max health), I would rather it be labeled as such (this is my opinion obviously)
* There is another Cure in my knowledge book
* I have Priests always ready to Cure me
* This Heal/Cure can be cast on anyone, including yourself, my thinking is the Heal component is more important in this regard

Fury: Tempest (single target DoT, AA may add AE nuke on termination, gets upgraded to a true AE via Prestige called Raging Whirlwind) because of AA additions Ogre is flagging this as an AE. The practical use for this versus it's upgrade Prestige true AE DoT version is the single target hits harder than the true AE versus single target encounters. Tempest needs to be flagged as a single target DoT, rather than AE. Otherwise, selecting IAE is going to mess with the reuse timers when Raging Whirlwind is used for AE fights.

Fury: Porcupine (raid-wide HoT and Mitigation Buff) spamming console:

Code: Select all
19:48:16: CastHeals -> Unknown -> Porcupine IV -> @Raid
19:48:17: CastHeals -> Unknown -> Porcupine IV -> @Raid

Fury: Natural Cleanse (raid cure-over-time) has not # option to specify how many afflicted to cast nor a Target option

That's all for now, I have to get to dinner and the bar after that. Have a good night!

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Joined: 04 Dec 2013, 17:52

Re: v17, cast tab of doom

Postby Kannkor » 21 Dec 2013, 16:26

jgarza00 wrote:
Kannkor wrote:I can't just make the listbox larger. When it's larger than it's parent (the background), any part that is larger, isn't interactable. So you wouldn't be able to click/interact etc.[/color]

* Make the parent taller, it's too much to scroll through on 24 characters, tada!
* I realize changing the UI is a hassle, but this is a rewrite afterall. :)
You forget how much I hate UI work. I wouldn't hold your breath.
* And, you can add more options for stun/stifle breakers!
Even more unlikely to happen!
* And, you can replace the 'probably soon outdated' TWO options for Primary/Secondary Group Cures with a list to add as many as we get over-time. (Raid Options tab)
I'll just remove them. They haven't been used since SF.

Kannkor wrote:Mystic: Lunar Attendant (dumbfire that wards group); showing no target options when "heal" is selected as Type
Cause it's a self only ability. I'll have to come up with something for these types of abilities... Not sure yet.

* There's a key word in the description that says it's a beneficial AE spell (i.e., "beneficial," "allies,").
I try to avoid using descriptions. They are manually written by a human, and the verbage changes every single time a different developer works on them. I use the ability data itself.
* How does Ogre know the difference between a single target and encounter damaging dumbfire pet (i.e., Necromancer's Blighted Horde & Awaken Grave vs. Undead Horde)
Using ability data.
* I'm guessing the Necro example was hard coded because the Conj's Roaring Flames is not. :\

Kannkor wrote:Inquisitor: Smite Heretic (Encounter Reactive Damage) displays IAE rather than IE as an option
My inq has no such ability. Need more info

* Prestige (right-side) replacement for Heresy, same spell description except that it procs "on any combat or spell hit" rather than just "on a spell cast."
* My Inquisitor would go LD spec'd down the left side. ;P

Kannkor wrote:Summoner: Shockwave (AA choice, commands pet to perform a blue AE) has no options for IAE probably because Target=Caster's Pet since you "command" the pet to do the AE
Correct. Stupid pets.. Can I recommend a ranger?

* Description says, "Inflicts # - # melee damage on targets in Area of Effect"
* Description lists a Range, "Up to 35.0 meters"
* Target is a player controlled entity
* Sounds like blue AE to me, I'm guessing you're still tweaking the logic Ogre uses to identify?
Ability data...

Kannkor wrote:Necromancer: Necrotic Reconstruction (pet heal) was going to put "Pet: My Pet" as target but doesn't ask for a target, does Ogre know that the Target=Caster's Pet in the description?
Yes, Ogrebot knows when it's a pet only ability, so has no reason for you to enter it requires your pet as a target.

* Ogre also knows to watch for the Pet's HP?
If it's a pet only ability... What do you think it would be watching for as a heal? :P

Kannkor wrote:Conjuror: Master's Intervention (pet death save) was going to put "Pet: My Pet" as target but doesn't ask for a target, does Ogre know that the Target=Caster's Pet in the description?
Stop using pet classes... :)

* I can't be the only one! :)

Kannkor wrote:Monk: Mend (heal/cure) only showing Cure as Type
Hmm... As a short term fix, I can make this either a heal, or a cure, but not both. I'll have to do something that will allow it to do both.

* It's a substantial heal (50.7% - 58.2% of max health), I would rather it be labeled as such (this is my opinion obviously)
* There is another Cure in my knowledge book
* I have Priests always ready to Cure me
* This Heal/Cure can be cast on anyone, including yourself, my thinking is the Heal component is more important in this regard
uhh... So you're agreeing that changing it to a heal for now is a better option....

Fury: Tempest (single target DoT, AA may add AE nuke on termination, gets upgraded to a true AE via Prestige called Raging Whirlwind) because of AA additions Ogre is flagging this as an AE. The practical use for this versus it's upgrade Prestige true AE DoT version is the single target hits harder than the true AE versus single target encounters. Tempest needs to be flagged as a single target DoT, rather than AE. Otherwise, selecting IAE is going to mess with the reuse timers when Raging Whirlwind is used for AE fights.
I'm not following this at all. If there's two different abilities... I'll log in one of my crafters.. er.. I mean fury to test it.

Fury: Porcupine (raid-wide HoT and Mitigation Buff) spamming console:

Code: Select all
19:48:16: CastHeals -> Unknown -> Porcupine IV -> @Raid
19:48:17: CastHeals -> Unknown -> Porcupine IV -> @Raid

Will look into it.

Fury: Natural Cleanse (raid cure-over-time) has not # option to specify how many afflicted to cast nor a Target option
Yea, I haven't gotten around to dealing with this yet.

That's all for now, I have to get to dinner and the bar after that. Have a good night!

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Re: v17, cast tab of doom

Postby jgarza00 » 22 Dec 2013, 22:26

Crusader: Aura of the Crusader (cures control effects) does not list Cure under Type

Crusader: Crusader's Faith (group temp buff, converts outgoing damage to self heal) misidentified as a Group Heal

Templar: Deific Reformation (akin to Defiler's Phantasmal Barrier, except a direct heal instead of ward) has no Target option

Templar: Involuntary Gift (single target curse, chance to AE heal) misidentified as AE nuke
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