[GU68] Assassin

[GU68] Assassin

Postby Kleever » 02 Jan 2014, 13:42

Just recently redid this script. So far very happy with it. Much lower encounter dps, but much higher single target. Most named fights in Labs and Halls(ones that let you just keep whacking at it without pauses) was doing in the range of 3 to 3.5mil dps with my current gear. Specced left side prestige. This is almost a 100% increase from the right side build I had for single target dps. Side note on this though, trash fights dps seems low. I'm assuming that's because he doesn't have time to get fully ramped up before they are dead and because I'm not wasting temp buffs on them.
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Re: [GU68] Assassin

Postby Kleever » 21 Jan 2014, 11:05

So I've been noticing that lately my assassin's dps has fallen off drastically. seems to be struggling to get 1mil dps now. I am not sure if this is due to gear changes, or what I would label as command lag that I've been seeing(character stands there and just auto attacks and does not hit CA's for 5 to 10 seconds at a time intermittently while stuff is available). Anyone that's downloaded the script have any feedback? I've got mine in full dps and attack speed gear, mostly full of green gems. Has plenty of proc gear on. using a 2sec delay and a 4 sec delay for my weaps. If I load up just him and take on an epic training dummy he will pull 1.5mil dps self buffed, so I don't know why I'm doing less then that fully group buffed against content for the past week. Though my ranger seems to be having a similar issue out of the blue as well.
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Re: [GU68] Assassin

Postby Scoops » 22 Jan 2014, 12:10

I haven't looked at the spec or profile you've posted, but you are losing a lot of dps by using mismatched delay weapons. Just as a quick test, match them (the higher delay the better) and parse using the dummy again. You'll probably see a good sized jump in your autoattack dps.
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Re: [GU68] Assassin

Postby Kleever » 26 Jan 2014, 10:57

Thanks for the tip. haven't played a scout directly and always understood lower delay was better. put 2 6sec's on and dps went right back up to where it should be.
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Re: [GU68] Assassin

Postby lazycrafter » 26 Jan 2014, 12:20

What is your Trainingdummy DPS with them 2sec weapons? Do you have autoattack timing on? I guess being a computer is timing them its a bit easier but seems like you would miss a lot of auto's with 2sec weapons.
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Re: [GU68] Assassin

Postby user01 » 29 Jan 2014, 09:56

well, with 2 second weapons you would delay a lot of autoattacks if you're not AA timing. if you are AA timing, it just means you're not going to be able to use that many CAs because you'll only be able to fit in like one CA per AA cycle.

If you have 2 second weapons, I think you're better off not timing your AAs.
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