AW: Native Mettle [Heroic III] - Coppernicus

AW: Native Mettle [Heroic III] - Coppernicus

Postby Kannkor » 05 Apr 2024, 10:20

Like the previous mobs in this zone, this is a complicated fight.

There's quite a bit going on in this fight. Lets start with the requirements.
Must only have 1 tank in the group
YOU must turn off anything that is a force target (I have plans to do this with the set up, but they are future plans). For example, a guardian's "Plant". I personally turn off all snaps on my tank for the fight.
This was tested with 2 priests, but in theory should work with a single priest.
Ressing can be quite complicated on this fight if someone dies, because one priest cannot move period.
It is recommended that either 1 or both priests have a anti-mez rune on. The second half of this fight has a mez component.

The basic strategy.
There's 4 adds, and the named. Your tank will tank the 4 adds, and a priest will tank the named (don't worry, this part just works, you don't have to do anything for it).
Changing Theory: The named has this big circle around them. He puts up a spell called Changing Theory, which has a number. You have to have that many "bodies" inside of the circle. Each PC (including corpses) and each add counts as 1. This number is from 1 to 10. The check is exactly 15 seconds after he announces this is happening. This is priority #1, since if you fail this, it's a group wipe. This is triggered every #1%. IE: 91, 81, 71 etc.
Heliocentric: Every once in a while (I couldn't track down exactly when this happens. It's every minute, except when it's not) he puts Heliocentric on a few people. This has a 15-25 second duration. Each player gets this debuff with a number. This is the distance you need to be away from the mob. If you are not at that distance when the timer expires, that toon dies. This is priority #2, since people dying is bad, and more importantly, having your tank die, means the adds are doing whatever they want and you will fail a changing theory.
There are times (usually with higher dps), where Changing Theory and Heliocentric are going to expire at the same time (or very close). Since Changing theory is a group wipe, that is the priority, and anyone with heliocentric will die (well, only some of them, because it has such a big range of duration).
When Heliocentric happens, the bot goes into what I call "Halt" mode. This will prevent dps to the named.
Lastly, the named casts a spell to eat his adds. This has to be interrupted. This is automatically handled.
At 50% (I think?) the named will start doing a group mez. If you have mez runes on your priests, it's not a big deal, it will get cured off and not cause any problems.

The fight itself.

Campspot everyone in Coppernicus general area, then do a set up for. This will place everyone in the "center" on this little box, NOT aggro.
You will see it sets flags for your group.
Flag 1 - is a priest that will be tanking the named. This will prefer a shaman if a shaman is available. If not, it picks one "at random" (it's not exactly random, it's based on character IDs, which are generated based on who zoned in first).
Flag 5 - This is a second priest if one exists in the group
Flag 6 - This is the tank
Flags 2-4 are random (again, based on character IDs)

Manually pull all 4 adds (you can pet pull the two on the sides that are far away), but do not aggro the named. The only person who will be engaged with the adds at this time, is your tank.
Pull the named.
That's it. Sit back and watch. If people die, you can try to get them res''ed and it will continue on. Some times a death will happen (because of things aligning). Most of the time you can recover, but some times you just can't. Wipe, and start over.

There is a LOT of debug info that goes to the innerspace console - That's intended for now for me. Much of it won't make sense to you, and that's okay.
Posts: 356
Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

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