Raid Strategies - Planes of Prophecy

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Raid Strategies - Planes of Prophecy

Postby Kannkor » 05 Jun 2018, 16:02

As it seems no one posts raid strategies or videos anymore, it can be challenging to find information about raid mobs.
Here is our botters progression thread.
Here is what I know about each mob, and some details about how I fight them. Keep in mind, depending on raid set up, gear, etc, you may need to change how you do things.

Many named have frontal attacks (be AE autos, or abilities that hit everyone in front of them). I'm not going to list this specifically, because everyone except for tanks should be behind the named.
Almost all named have some sort of mem wipe also for their target. I suspect this is to prevent a single fighter in the raid?

Tier 1:
Named: Manaetic Prototype XI
Strategy: None.

Named: Tin Overseer Alpha
Strategy: None.

Named: Tin Overseer Omega
Strategy: None.

Named: Manaetic Prototype IX
Strategy: None.

Named: Dysperitia
Strategy: Has a raid wide nox detrimental. I believe it takes 3-5 cures to remove. If this isn't cured in time OR if anyone dies with this detrimental, it is a raid wipe. (This is important when combined with the next part).
Has a tank swap. Will drop his target to 0 threat (I believe @ 75/50/25), and if they pull aggro again within a time frame (20s? Not entirely sure), they will be 1-shot, and you get a chat message telling you. If they happen to have the nox detrimental when this happens, it's a raid wipe.
Puts a curse on the tank, it hits VERY hard, so you want it cured ASAP. Using stoneskins to help mitigate the damage helps a lot when not over geared.

Named: Resnak and Rythrak
Strategy: Keep the NAMED 20 meters away from each other (I didn't say more than). Throughout the fight, the named will 'switch' positions, and if a tank doesn't re-target the new mob within 1-3 seconds, it will run to the raid.
Burn them both evenly (don't think this is required, but makes the fight faster).
OgreBot note: For tanks, you can use an autotarget list. Put the scan radius to 10, and put both named in the list. This way when they switch positions, it targets the only one nearby.

Named: Rankle
Strategy: He's under the water, so hard to "see" him. He is perma snared (as you have to kite him, see below).
He gains stacks as you are fighting him. When he hits 10, he roots himself, does a little explosion around where he's standing that will kill anyone, then for 30 seconds, will 1 shot anyone if he auto attacks them.
When he hits 8 or 9 stacks, we start to train him away from the raid, so when he hits 10 he is not near the raid. (Only have to be like 10 meters away). Keep training him until you get the green message that he won't 1-shot tanks again. Rinse and repeat.

Named: Thangbrand and Valbrand
Strategy: You can fight them on the ramp to avoid the ice.
If the named get more than.. 10%? Health apart, they start gaining stacks, which can be dispelled (Ogrebot will automatically dispell for you, but you should try to avoid this, as it causes an increase in damage output).
They randomly (well, not sure it's random but doesn't matter) record their health and the other named heals to that amount.. or something. All I do, is attack the one with the most health.

Named: Wybjorn
Strategy: Kill named first, then adds.

Named: Ferris
Strategy: None

Named: Veleroth and Zrexul
Strategy: The actual strat is to have 1 person tanking both mobs. However, they mem wipe, so if your other tanks are in subtle strikes, the named go to DPS, then 'sol ro' 1-shots them because they aren't a fighter tanking a raid mob. Alternatively, just have all tanks fight for aggro, and they will gain some stacks that say they do more damage, but it never did hurt us.

Named: Bling
Strategy: None.

Tier 2:
Named: Karnah of the Source
Strategy: This named has 5 waves. Each one with a different strategy. Each time the named hits 35% health, he full heals and you move to the next wave.
Always: Anyone nearby the named for any length of time, will have their fervor and potency majorly debuffed. (Makes it slightly annoying to keep aggro).
Wave 1: I think just the debuff.
Wave 2: Priests get mana drained. Honestly, it's not that bad.
Wave 3: The raid takes 'increased damage' - which I doubt you could even notice.
Wave 4: The person farthest away has to be the person closest (not including tanks). (Ogrebot will handle this for you automatically if you did a set up). At the same time this happens, the named fires off a laser beam in front of him, killing anything 2-100 meters in front of him. (Snuggle up nice and close and he won't hurt your tanks).
Wave 5: Eight random people get an uncurable curse. When an add dies, anyone within 10 meters, will have the detrimental cured. Anyone that doesn't have it cured, will stun the raid.
Positioning for Waves 1-4:
Positioning for Wave 5:

Named: Junk Beast
Strategy: Every 10% (or something) he drops a wrench on the ground, goes immune, then calls someone out. That person needs to get the item (can loot it, or have it assigned to them), then use the item on the named, and he is no longer immune. Anyone marked who has loot rights will try to loot the chest and assign the loot. Anyone who is assigned an item, will use it on the named.

Named: Gearbox the Energy Siphon
Strategy: Named has a mana drain that increases over time. If you don't kill it in (12 minutes I think?) you're basically going to have 0 mana. Just a DPS check to win over the mana drain.
Adds that must be killed also. You can only have 6 adds up at a time, this INCLUDES adds that explode by getting to the raid. If an add touches it's target, the add explodes and the target dies.
Set up an auto target list for the adds then the named.
This is the first real DPS check for t2 mobs.

Named: Construct Automation
Strategy: Named damage increases as it gets lower in health.
Casts two abilities, something legion (which you want everyone to get hit by), and something exoth something... which you do not want it to hit anyone except for ONE tank (no one is fine, but someone has to tank him).
There's two ways of doing this. When he starts casting the bad AE, the tank can drag the named away from the raid. Alternatively, the raid can run away from the named.
Ogrebot's raid set up will move the raid away.

Named: Meldrath the Mechanized
Strategy: As you attack, you will randomly gain stacks on yourself. If you get to (15?), you die.
Ogrebot will automatically stop after 10'ish stacks. This is actually very rare. The stacks fade on most people automatically. Exception seemed to be rogues. Guessing it has to do with frequency of casting.

Named: Wretch
Strategy: None. Technically he'll spawn adds, and if you don't kill them in time, they morph into bigger adds, but they don't hit hard, so it was faster to ignore the adds, even on our first kill.

Named: Plaguen the Piper
Strategy: This fight is completely broken, and absolutely stupid. There's two major things working against you here. Lag, and asinine mechanics. The lag, well not much we can do about that. Why do they keep using water and fog effects in mass that generate a ton of latency is beyond me. Anyways.. mechanics.
You can only have 5 or 6 people near him, or he'll port away. We just keep 2 tanks on him and everyone else 19 meters away. Randomly he will spawn adds, either 3 swarmers, or 1 bigger guy. None of them do damage, however, they will put a debuff on you, that deals a low amount of damage. You will get 1 for each mob, and this will happen every 5 seconds or so that the add is alive. Here is the fun part, the adds spawn up to 200 meters away from where the named is. By the time the adds get within 50 meters of you, you can have 21 stacks of the detrimental on you, which WILL likely kill you unless you are massively over geared. We found there really isn't much you can do about this, other than just try to get bigger wards to live long enough for the adds to actually come close enough to be killable.
The damage is noxious, so make sure mystics use prophetic ward. It helps a LOT.
When the named gets below 20%, he will port (same as if you had more than 6 people near him). Just move to him and continue the fight. I have found that 2 of the 4 port locations are EXTREMELY laggy (he's right on the water). So if he ports here, we have everyone run up to the named until he ports to a less-laggy spot. You have to continue with the adds the entire fight.
This is a major road block for people. Good luck!

Named: Corpulus
Strategy: Cure cure cure cure.
At 85% then every 10%, he puts a noxious on the entire raid with 5 stacks to cure it This nox is a MAJOR snare. Then 5-10 seconds later, he drops a big black circle on 'the majority of the raid'. Anyone snared will not be able to make it out of the circle. Group cures, mages curing, and nox pots make this manageable.

Named: Eindride icestorm
Strategy: Don't have 6 adds up at a time, or you wipe. Adds hit quite hard.
Depending on your DPS, you will want to determine how much time you have to spend on the adds in order to safely kill them before the new set spawns. When you first get to this mob, you won't have much time between waves. What we did, was set an auto target for adds > 30% then the named. This way AEs would finish them off below 30%. As DPS increases, you can change that 30% up to 50%, then 70% etc. (You CAN always just kill them to not have them there if you wish).
Adds will cast 'Armor buster' which isn't bad on it's own, but when all 3 adds cast it on the same person at the same time, it hurts, a lot.

Named: Thunderclap and Skyfury
Strategy: Break your raid into 2 parts (P1 = G1 and G2, P2 = G3 and G4). Technically it can be broken any way you wish it, just equal as possible DPS in each group.
P1 takes Thunderclap, and P2 takes Skyfury.
When Thunderclap gets to 96% he goes immune, and red circles start spawning. P1 must NOT be in the red circles. P2 MUST get into the red circle to get the detrimental (well, buff I guess). This buff will allow P2 to be able to kill Skyfury.
When Skyfury gets to 86%, blue circles start spawning. P1 MUST get into the blue circle to get the detrimental. P2 must NOT be in the blue circles.
At this stage, P1 should have the blue buff, and P2 should have the red buff.
Keep both mobs within 10% health of each other, and you can ignore everything. If someone happens to die, more red cicles will spawn again at 56 and... 36? And blue circles will spawn at 46 and 26?.

Named: Erech Eyford
Strategy: None.

Named: This raid brought to you by the Letter S (4 mobs all with S in their name).
Strategy: Each named puts a detrimental on the person tanking. Does pulsing damage to that group.
Two of the named can't be tanked by a tank (they will just mem wipe when a tank gets aggro).
Just tank and spank him. Try to avoid 1 group tanking all 4 if you can, but otherwise super easy.

Named: Amohn
Strategy: Two parts to this fight.
Part 1) He puts 1 person in a cage every x seconds in 1 of the 3 door ways. The raid has to help them out before they die (ticking damage, which is minimal).
Part 2) He casts an AE on the raid (ae-avoidable) that ticks EXTREMELY hard. Needs to be cured ASAP or people will die.
If the cage and the AE happen at the same time, you're going to raid wipe. You can mitigate this by using an AE avoid if the timers are ever close to matching up with each other.

Named: Brundin of the Guard
Strategy: Two parts, 50 (or 55%?) and above, and 50% and below.
Above 50%: puts some uncurable on people in the raid, I think they are all suppose to run away or you get mana drained. I'm lazy, and just stand there and deal with the drain.
Below 50%: You have x minutes to finish the fight or his damage gets so strong you wipe. Honestly though, if you can make it through all the other mobs (such as Piper, icestorm etc), you have the DPS for this guy. If you REALLY need, do not cast ascension until 50% (you get a message also to tell you he's switching waves).

Named: Guardian and Protector of Dresolik
Strategy: Keep the two named apart. When either named hits 75/50/25%, they both go immune to damage for like 30 seconds. Enjoy having 3 minutes of immunity time on a 1 minute fight.
We personally place like this: [tank][named1] (20m) [raid] (20m) [named2][tank]
I don't now exactly how far away they have to be, but this was just easy/safe.

Tier 3:
Named: Meldrath the Malignant
Strategy: People in the raid will get an uncurable curse, they need to get away from anyone that does NOT have the curse, and be very close to each other.
There is a 'suit' (hackbot or something), 1 person clicks it to go into it. They will be released when the named hits a 25% mark (75/50/25). There may be a duration also, but you won't hit it and win the fight. People in the hackbot run around, aggro the adds, then pull them away from the raid. If an add attacks anyone in the raid, they 1 shot them.
To help get new adds that spawn to the person in the hackbot, you can use the Implosion exploit, sorry, implosion "trick" if you wish. Feel free to ask all the high end guilds about it, as it seems they all use it and it seems unlikely to ever get fixed.

Named: Operator Figl
Strategy: Everyone in the raid EXCEPT 1 person gets a message that says that 1 person is about to get cursed. If anyone else is near that 1 person, they get cursed also. The curse does AE damage. If your entire raid gets hit, you're going to have people die.
The distance in which you have to joust away from this person increases with each joust. So you have to keep jousting farther and farther.
Overall though, if you can make it past Meldrath, this guy is a joke.

Named: Junkyard Mawg
Strategy: Does half the stuff Meldrath does. No really, it's half the fight. EXACT same uncurable curse mechanic, and nothing else. Enjoy your loot.

Named: Rizlona
Strategy: Someone in the raid has to click the boot in the hallway BEFORE the named (or is it 2 hallways before?). You get an ability. Every time this is up, use it on the named or you will wipe.
Adds spawn and must be killed by a certain archetype (scouts/fighters/priests/mages).
Scout/mage one dies fine. Fighter/priest ones suck.
If you have... 6? Up at a time you raid wipe.

Named: Arlyxir
Strategy: Spawns huge circles of death on the ground. "Don't stand in the fire".

Named: Pox
Strategy: We split our raid into two groups of 12. Each stands near a pillar. When you pull, everyone right clicks and selects Attune to ____. This gives everyone a buff.
The named will call out he's doing a frontal, the ONLY person that should be in front of him, is whoever is tanking. Everyone else must be behind.
The named will call out something about pillars. This means everyone MUST be right next to whichever pillar they clicked for a period of time.

Named: Grummus
Strategy: Spawns adds every x. These adds are based off of how many people are within 20-25 meters of him. You want minimal amount of people (tanks only) within range. Spawns a very weak rooted add that needs to be killed. Can do so from the set up position.
Every 35 seconds, he "marks" his target with a debuff that lasts 65 seconds. If you get hit with marked while already marked, you die.
Named is rooted until 40% and he becomes unrooted. If you're already set up, he should never move from his rooted position.
Named casts armor buster - This ability hurts, a lot. It's time to man up.
At 50%, he's suppose to do some kind of 'ascension' check, to make sure you have an equalish balance of ascension classes. We are pretty close to being equal but not exactly, and we never got this fail effect. If you get it, go change out some ascension so you are running 6 of each in the raid, or close to it.
OgreBot: Set up for. General placement for the raid. They are OUT OF RANGE of the add ability when rooted (this is a good thing). They can also hit all the adds from this location. Some of the very weak rooted adds are a bit far away, but pets/few abilities kill them fine.
When Guardians are marked, they recapture the mob.
All fighters when marked, will go into subtle strikes.
All fighters when their marked hits < 25 seconds, they will use Provocation (rescue). The reason for this is, you get marked, 35 seconds later you do NOT want to have aggro (30s left on your marked), then you want aggro again, because you can take the next marked.

Named: Nightlure the Fleshfeaster
Strategy: When he says something, joust away! The distance you have to joust gets bigger the lower in health he gets.

Named: Skal'sli the Wretched
Strategy: Four stages to this fight. Named heals to full at the end of each stage. Note: You never want to go close to a barrel, they spawn an explosion that will kill you (exception is the one the named carries).
Note: You MUST have more or equal amount of priests than any other archetype, or this fight is impossible.
Stage 1: From 100% health to 75%. All mages will get a curse, all must be cured within 14 seconds.
Stage 2: From 100% health to 50%. All scouts will get a curse, all must be cured within 12 seconds. Named calls out an emote you have to joust.
Stage 3: From 100% health to 25%. All fighters will get a curse, all must be cured within 10 seconds. Named goes immune, ports away, picks up a barrel, and starts running towards someone in the raid (check the name's target). That person will want to run TOWARDS the named, about 30 meters away from the raid. When doing so, the named drops a barrel. The raid kills the barrel while the named is on top of it. Once it explodes, that person can return to the raid. Rinse and repeat 3 times and you get to damage him for a short while, then he does it two more times, for a total of 5 times. He then says he is changing up his strategy. At this stage you can safely reposition for stage 4, as nothing other than the fighter curse will happen. Once you get him to 25%, you move to stage 4.
Stage 4: From 100% health to 0%. All priests will get a curse, all must be cured within 8 seconds. Named has a knockback, and adds spawn. We ignore the adds and just AE them down, they seem to really do nothing. We've had 5 up at a time before AEs finished them.
OgreBot: If you turn cure curses OFF in Ogrebot, they will handle curing the curse on all waves properly.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

Re: Raid Strategies - Planes of Prophecy

Postby sodaPoP » 20 Jun 2018, 20:00

Thanks Kannkor and good to have the forums back. Would I be correct in understanding none of the raid names are one groupable this expac? I killed all the trash in Innovation but wiped on first named within a minute.
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Joined: 13 May 2014, 18:43

Re: Raid Strategies - Planes of Prophecy

Postby Kannkor » 20 Jun 2018, 23:09

sodaPoP wrote:Thanks Kannkor and good to have the forums back. Would I be correct in understanding none of the raid names are one groupable this expac? I killed all the trash in Innovation but wiped on first named within a minute.

What wiped you? I know all the named have some sort of mem wipe mechanic, which is EXTREMELY annoying for 1-tanking. Previously there were no time limits, but I read they added in time limits (damage increases over time). So I can't say for certain.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

Re: Raid Strategies - Planes of Prophecy

Postby Cheesy » 21 Jun 2018, 05:15

All the PoP raid nameds have a mechanic where their damage increases super quickly with less than 12 players in a raid.

Its basically impossible.
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Joined: 05 Dec 2013, 10:49

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