HOW TO: Make your Everquest 2 windows full screen

free(?!) clues!

HOW TO: Make your Everquest 2 windows full screen

Postby Kannkor » 23 Mar 2018, 15:24

I'd guess for majority of people, your Everquest 2 screens are full screen, so you can completely ignore this.

But for a few people, this isn't the case, they load in a partial window (some times 95% of the screen, so it's just off enough to be annoying).

I've added a new command:
Code: Select all

Which will attempt to set your window into full screen.

But really.. who wants to have to add this to a script to a start up..

So I've added a checkbox that will do it for you.
In the console type:
Code: Select all
ogre config

There is a checkbox 'Force Full Screen', and it basically just clicks the maximize button if available. If you're already full screen, it will do nothing.

This will do so whenever ISXOgre is finished loading, each time.

Posts: 363
Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

Re: HOW TO: Make your Everquest 2 windows full screen

Postby Eragon » 16 May 2018, 14:18

Aweomse! thank you sir.
Posts: 5
Joined: 03 May 2015, 15:43

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