Mob Charming

Mob Charming

Postby saridd » 16 Jan 2017, 07:46

If anyone wants to incorporate mob charming into their botting, here is a simple script which I have created.

Customise the variables for Charmer1 and Charmer2.

Run the script each time you want to charm mobs or re-charm and remember to apply wards or else you will die. Try it out by charming the skeles in Stronghold Heroics, I found that my Fury can charm quite a few mobs in this zone.

Good luck!

;CharmBot V1.0

;Mob Library (Mob names which you can copy and paste into the variables below)
;a spectral chokidai
;a fallen remanent
;a skeletal reaver
;a skeletal warder
;a relentless reaver
;an elite phantom
;an elite specter
;a skeletal bandit

;Charmer 1
variable string Charmer1 = FuryName
variable string Charmer1Spell = Charm Creature
variable string Charmer1Mob = a skeletal warder

;Charmer 2
variable string Charmer2 = CorecerName
variable string Charmer2Spell = Charm
variable string Charmer2Mob = a skeletal bandit

variable string MT = MTName

; You don't need to change anything below here

function main()

echo ${Time}: Charmbot Activated

;Temporarily Turn off Auto Assist
echo ${Time}: Switching off Auto Assist for ${Charmer1}
echo ${Time}: Switching off Auto Assist for ${Charmer2}
oc !c -UplinkOptionChange ${Charmer1} checkbox_settings_assist False
oc !c -UplinkOptionChange ${Charmer2} checkbox_settings_assist False

;Cancel Charm
echo ${Time}: ${Charmer1} is cancelling current charm by casting ${Charmer1Spell}
echo ${Time}: ${Charmer2} is cancelling current charm by casting ${Charmer2Spell}
oc !c -CancelMaintained "${Charmer1Spell}"
oc !c -CancelMaintained "${Charmer2Spell}"

;Target mob and charm
wait 20
echo ${Time}: ${Charmer1} is targetting ${Charmer1Mob}
echo ${Time}: ${Charmer2} is targetting ${Charmer2Mob}
oc !c -Target ${Charmer1} "${Charmer1Mob}"
oc !c -Target ${Charmer2} "${Charmer2Mob}"
wait 30
echo ${Time}: ${Charmer1} is Charming ${Charmer1Mob} using ${Charmer1Spell}
echo ${Time}: ${Charmer2} is Charming ${Charmer2Mob} using ${Charmer2Spell}
oc !c -castability ${Charmer1} "${Charmer1Spell}"
oc !c -castability ${Charmer2} ${Charmer2Spell}
wait 40

;Turn on Auto Assist
oc !c -UplinkOptionChange ${Charmer1} checkbox_settings_assist True
oc !c -UplinkOptionChange ${Charmer2} checkbox_settings_assist True
wait 10
echo ${Time}: ${Charmer1} switching back to ${MT}
echo ${Time}: ${Charmer2} switching back to ${MT}
oc !c -Target ${Charmer1} ${MT}
oc !c -Target ${Charmer2} ${MT}

echo ${Time}: Charmbot Deactivated

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Joined: 13 Jan 2017, 19:33

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