Here you can see I wrote a script for "Savante On"
- Code: Select all
;This is a trigger that will listen to group chat for the word "Savante on" and toggle Sprint in the cast stack
function main()
while 1
atom Savante(string text)
if ${text.Find[Savante on]}
OgreBotAtom aExecuteAtom ${Me.Name} a_QueueCommand ChangeCastStackListBoxItem "Sprint" TRUE TRUE
timedcommand 550 eq2ex cancel_maintained Sprint
timedcommand 500 OgreBotAtom aExecuteAtom ${Me.Name} a_QueueCommand ChangeCastStackListBoxItem "Sprint" FALSE FALSE
If you aren't familiar with Savante, it is an Illy spell that lasts 55 seconds and during that timeframe if you hit sprint it will fill your power completely. It is fantastic for these new power drain fights they've implemented. As soon as you cast sprint, 100% power, and then you have to toggle it off again.
So to accomplish this I've done 2 things. First I added Sprint to the top of my cast stack as a PowerHeal at 60% (you can change it to whatever you'd like) but grayed it out so I'm not using it with Savante off (that might be deadly). Then I've gone into the announce tab in ogre and added to Sprint
- Code: Select all
timedcommand 10 eq2ex cancel_maintained Sprint
That way almost immediately after casting sprint it will toggle it off again.
It helps me because I play with Illy's that aren't botting. Other places I could see this being useful: Time warp, Temporal Mimicry, Death Prevent cycling.