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Bug/Broken/Issue - 3 mages fight

PostPosted: 28 Jan 2014, 12:50
by HappyBunny
Yes, I know, older zone but "Set up for 3 mages" in Palace of Roehn Theer - toons all run to the camp spot but are not using the necrotic flashpots to cure the curses on each other. I am using v17.

Re: Bug/Broken/Issue - 3 mages fight

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2014, 00:54
by Kannkor
HappyBunny wrote:Yes, I know, older zone but "Set up for 3 mages" in Palace of Roehn Theer - toons all run to the camp spot but are not using the necrotic flashpots to cure the curses on each other. I am using v17.

The following hasn't changed and all must be met:
Must be in a raid
Must have "Necrotic flashpot" in your inventory
Person infected must be within 70meters
Person infected must have LOS

If you need, raid invite a level 1 free to play account. But you absolutely need to be in a raid.