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ISXOgre Price Change

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2024, 15:21
by Kannkor
Try not to skim, or skip sections in this post. This will effect people differently, depending on your situation.

New pricing is now in effect. It is $40 for 3 months.

(If you have been around for over 10 years, I'm handling this exactly the same)

On (or shortly after, but not before) Jan 1st 2025, ISXOgre pricing will be changing. This is how I plan on handling it.

Every single person with an active recurring subscription in paypal, will be grandfathered for as long as the subscription remains active. If the subscription is cancelled for any reason, you will need to sign back up, and it will be at the new price. How it's being handled in paypal, is the old option will not be available to be signed up for. This means even if you accidentially cancel it, I can't put you back on it. It would have to be at the new rate.

Price is increasing $3.34/month. ISXOgre is (and will remain) billed in 3 month periods. This means the price change for the 3 month period is going from $30/3 months to $40/3 months.

How to tell if you're subscription is active.
Generally speaking, it's active until you cancel it, OR paypal cancels it (usually for no funding source available).
You can manually check in paypal if it's active.
Well, you can TRY to manually check. Paypal is an absolute disaster right now. You can try this...
Log into paypal, and in the top right hand corner, click on your name then "Account Settings".
On the left hand side, find "Website Payments" and click on that.
For me, I had to then scroll up (?!?!) and find "My automatic Payments".
Right now for me, I click that, it makes me log back in, and takes me back to the dashboard... and stuck me in that loop.
An alternative way, is on the dashboard, I had some "quick links" and one of them was "Recurring payments".
Once on this page, click on "My preapproved payments".

Here you should be able to see all your recurring payments, including one from me. Ogregaming.
To the right it should say "Active". YOu can click on it for more detailed information.
You will see things like:
Status: Active
Next Payment date: Aug 10, 2015

If the subscription has been cancelled, you will see things like this:
Status: Cancelled - By Buyer
Date of Cancellation: Aug 22, 2009

What to do if you do NOT have an active subscription.
First thing to do, is to make sure there aren't two listings. For example: One that is cancelled (an old one) and one that is active. You only want 1 active (otherwise you'd be billed for each one).
If that is not the case, send me an email and we can review it together to see why and what to do. For example: Some people had two active subs, so I had them cancel them both, and instead of getting 3 months, they got 6 months. In that case, this person would not have an active sub.
If you're unsure, feel free to email me and we can look at it together.

Tips for keeping an active subscription.
Really only two things.
1) Don't cancel the subscription by accident. For example if you were cancelling a different subscription in paypal, make sure you select the one you want to cancel.
2) Make sure paypal doesn't cancel your subscription for no funding available. The most common scenario for this, a debit/credit card is used as the funding source, and it expires and you get a new one. When any payments are attempted, they will fail, and paypal automatically cancels the subscription.

When was the last time the price increased?
In 2015! Almost 10 years ago!
Here's the post of it, if you're really interested: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=262
You will notice, that I'm doing the exact same thing as I did last time. Heck, I even copy/pasted most of this post from that thread.

If you have any questions, discord or email me!
