AW: Native Mettle [Heroic III] - Nugget

AW: Native Mettle [Heroic III] - Nugget

Postby Kannkor » 01 Apr 2024, 00:47

Okay.. here goes. There's a lot going on here, and a bit of manual stuff to do, and some manual stuff to set up ahead of time.

First, you need to harvest all the ore. To make it easy, just do this.
IS1 gets 1 ore, IS2 gets 2 ores, is3-3, is4-4, is5-5, is6- the rest. I think the only thing that matters, is that everyone has a different amount. If you want to fuck with it, you do you.
This fight uses 6 flags (1-6). The setup will automatically set these. And just thinking about it.. you can't exactly change them very easily. Whatever, if you really need to change them, you can have a button and always hit your second button after you do a set up (not supported!).
Flags 1-4 are used to determine who will harvest things.
Flag 5 is for a priest that is designated cure curser
Flag 6 is for the tank.

The "fight spot", is
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When you do a set up WHILE engaged with Nugget, your group will move there automatically. It will NOT do so if you are not engaged (this is intended, or was intended for my testing purposes...)
Make sure NO ONE has move into melee range/move behind checked, this will only cause you issues (I should add this to the set up... if I do I'll try to remember to update this).
I personally do NOT use campspot on my tank, but in theory it should work fine. I like to be able to adjust where the mobs are.
Everyone should be set to follow your tank, THEN do a campspot. This way, when a "letsgo" happens, people are following you (I suppose I could change this to a follow instead of a lets go).

Automatic parts of the fight.
Assuming you're at the fight spot, moving behind the mob when needed and moving to trees and clicking them and coming back, is all fully automated, for everyone, including the tank.
The HOs at 75/50/25, are all automatic.

Manual part to the fight.
At... 85/60/35 (or around there), Nugget disappears, and some ore spawns. 2/3/4. Your group will automatically do a lets go, so everyone should be following your tank.
MANUALLY move your tank to within 20 meters of an ore. You will see a message in ogre console about "soandso going to harvest". Your tank should get/have aggro of the add. At this stage, move your tank away from the ore a little bit (I usually stay about 25m away from the person harvesting). If you are too close, the add will continually interrupt the person trying to harvest.
Once they are done harvesting, they will return to following you. Continue to the rest of the ores, repeating this process. The MOMENT you are done with the ores, the named will start coming back. You need to move your ass back to the kill spot, and do a new SetUpFor. This will place your guys in the right spot. You want to make sure you get back here, and get a set up done, before the named does a tree check or a behind, if possible. Rinse repeat.

Okay, here is the process broken down into smaller parts.
Pull, head towards kill spot. Do a setupfor.
When he emotes that he is leaving, IMMEDIATELY run north. Even before he's gone, the moment he emotes and you hear "harvest time", go north towards "709.603699,212.903610,38.968601" (I personally like to do the ores far away then work my way back towards the kill spot, means I'm always there when I finish the ores).
Run close to an ore, get aggro, run 25m away from ore. Wait for ore person to finish looting and get back to you.
Move to next ore, and repeat above process.
The moment all ores are looted, run back to kill spot
Do another setupfor.
at every 25% of the mobs health, you will see your tank "prime" for a HO (in short, means they stop doing anything), then the HO will be triggered (this is all automatic, don't touch).

Repeat this process 3 times, then you win.

Things that are ignored/handled in a way that you really don't need to worry about (ha).
The frecked or whatever the det is that it wants you to some times cure/some times not. Ignore it completely.
The curses. This is handled by the bot, 10 times better than you could ever deal with, so don't touch it or worry about it.
Posts: 361
Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

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