ISXOgre server moving!

ISXOgre server moving!

Postby Kannkor » 11 May 2016, 19:31

ISXOgre is moving to a new server. It's within the same building, just to a move powerful server.
Assuming no problems, there should be very minimal to no down time at all. (While they are moving the server, everything should just flip over to the secondary auth until it's done).

I'll update this if there are issues and when it's completed. If you have any issues from now until it's completed, feel free to post them here with as much data/copy/paste as you can and I'll investigate.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

Re: ISXOgre server moving!

Postby Kannkor » 13 Jun 2016, 13:17


Instead of just doing a server move, it's ending up being a new server that is being set up, then the old server will be shut down after.

There are some benefits to doing this, forces a reinstall on the server, and that always means upgrades!
Spent some time rewriting some of the server code, and the ISXOgre.dll code to support patching from more than one source. Or simply put, patching from the secondary server. This means if the primary server ever goes down, everything switches to the secondary. Previously it was just the authentication, soon(tm) it will patch from there also!

I've had a handful of people testing the new server and have had zero issues so far!

Tentatively people will start being migrated to the new server on or around Wednesday the 15th.

As per usual, if you notice anything odd or different or wrong, feel free to post it or ask in IRC with as much detail as possible.
Posts: 356
Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

Re: ISXOgre server moving!

Postby Kannkor » 16 Jun 2016, 16:19

As of around 6/16/2016 at... 5pm EST, everyone who logs in will be patched up to patch 279.

Patch 279 (and technically 278) are running from the new servers.
Patch 279 can auth and patch from both the primary server and the secondary server! (Previously had to be primary only).

Things looking good!
Posts: 356
Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

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