ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

Postby Kannkor » 21 Feb 2016, 22:36

ToT Training dummy parse thread.

Reposting of the reasons behind this thread.

This thread is really just here for epeen measuring, lets be honest!

So the second reason for this thread being here, is to get a general idea of peoples DPS. Many people get asked 'what's your dps' quite often, and it's a very difficult question to answer. On one fight, my BL can push a million dps, but on another, he's at 250k. Up until now, there hasn't really been a good way to test dps in a controlled environment.

With epic training dummies being immortal now, we now have a way. Here's what we're after (and.. the rules) :)
5 minute fights. If you post anything less than 5 minutes, I'm just going to delete it. It's not a 30s burn fight.
Try to be realistic and don't 'tweak' things that you would never use. For example: Don't turn off wards on your priests, because you wouldn't ever do that in the 'real' game.

DO NOT ASK FOR PEOPLES PROFILES HERE. People spend many hours tweaking their profile. If they wish to share it, they can put it here on the forums, or on the wiki. Pestering them will only make it so they don't share anything.

Specify how many training dummies you have. IE: 1 (single target DPS), or 8 (AE dps).

Where possible, list a general guide line for gear. IE: Ethereals, heroic, raid etc.
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Re: ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

Postby Soandso_ » 22 Feb 2016, 13:32

I'll start it off with my gimpy numbers...

Single dummy:
(05:33) training dummy : 157,433,424 | Coercer-Temporal Mimicry-121,326,675
Swashbuckler | 45,341,564
Ranger | 44,584,875
Coercer | 27,198,948
Dirge | 18,735,980
Berserker | 15,211,459
Mystic | 6,360,597

Mix of heroic, collection, and crafted gear. Swash is slightly better geared than Ranger, and I know my Ranger's profile is not great (still trying to figure it out).
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Re: ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

Postby Loppy » 22 Feb 2016, 13:44

They're not gimpy figures Soandso, I'd be delighted to do figures like that :o

Can I ask, do you run with 1 healer for ToT instances? If so how are you finding it?
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Re: ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

Postby Soandso_ » 22 Feb 2016, 13:53

Loppy wrote:They're not gimpy figures Soandso, I'd be delighted to do figures like that :o

Can I ask, do you run with 1 healer for ToT instances? If so how are you finding it?

I've done every heroic except the final named in Master's Chosen with this group setup (and I've single-grouped a couple of the x2 nameds). I initially ran a Warden instead of the Mystic, but swapped to Mystic because of a lot of the AE/DD type damage this expansion (Uzulu and Tepid in particular).

I can't really see a reason to run 2 healers for most of the heroics in ToT unless you were extremely undergeared. I started out buying full sets of the cheap crafted armor for all of my toons and was able to jump into most of the heroics immediately (I avoided Uzulu/Tepid till I got some better gear).

I am considering bringing a second healer online in place of the Ranger for final MC fight. That or manually playing the Mystic for that fight and see how that goes; used to main a Mystic for raids, so have a fair amount of experience there.
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Re: ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

Postby Loppy » 22 Feb 2016, 15:41

Thanks, thats worth knowing. I've cleared everything apart from MC (I haven't attempted the zone yet) with a conventional 2 healer set up. I should try MC and then may be swap in another dps for a healer.
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Re: ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

Postby Eyedea » 22 Feb 2016, 18:48

Was asked to contribute a 1 group parse for comparisons. I've also kept 2 healers, I only run one for heriocs.

TD x1

(05:37) training dummy: 403359995 Coercer-Temporal Mimicry-606563822
Ranger | 209631564
Coercer | 75522492
Dirge | 42107594
Guard | 37122621
Mystic | 20921365
Warden | 18054359

TD x8

(05:38) training dummy: 821615858 Coercer-Temporal Mimicry-647307466
Ranger | 398205610
Coercer | 145418087
Dirgel | 97486910
Guard | 73805859
Mystic | 58631496
Warden | 48067896
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Re: ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

Postby Loppy » 23 Feb 2016, 02:10

I just don't know how you do it Eyedea, those parses make my eyes water. That's about the 5 times the damage output I do :lol:

Great parses!
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Re: ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

Postby freedo » 04 Mar 2016, 01:42

viva le scorcher

(05:41) Valkyrie Assassin: 349949829 Coercer-Temporal Mimicry-809657759
Assassin | 150868237
Coercer | 67071971
Dirge | 48116098
Zerker | 33272104
Mystic | 25950753
Warden | 24670666
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Re: ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

Postby sodaPoP » 04 Mar 2016, 09:13

Eyedea, I'm curious, how many ethereals or eth runes are your toons running? My numbers are more like soandso's, but I only have one ethereal in my group (scout offhand).
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Re: ToT: Training Dummy Parse Thread

Postby Eyedea » 04 Mar 2016, 17:05

Ranger has main/bow
Healers have ranged
Coercer has secondary
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