Gangel grind option request

Gangel grind option request

Postby Alphatop » 30 Nov 2013, 14:59

Hello, This is for Gangel in labs...

Right now I notice when Gangel is casting Necromatic Aura the tank will target himself and switch back on Gangel when the spell is over.

I request that thing grind option kills the adds. It will be much easier to be lazy if you have a slightly longer fight by killing adds.

Here is what I suggest:
- Target add if up
- Target self if Necromatic Aura is up (check right after killing an add?)
- Target name if no add is up and Necromatic Aura isn't up

-If necromatic Aura is up, turn on Dynamic Ignore PB AoE and Singular Fcous (for if we are killing an add)
--- Remove ignore PBaoe and singular focus after Necromatic focus is over.

This is pretty much how I am currently doing the fight.

*Added notes, I turn off the 'face mob in combat' check box for both in game and in ogre so my tanks back never gets turned to the boss... he hits waaay to hard for me to take shots to the back.

*Also pets either need controled or terminated
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Joined: 30 Nov 2013, 14:51

Re: Gangel grind option request

Postby pz » 16 Dec 2013, 07:59

you didn't ask for a workaround, but since kannkor's busy with the v17 shenanigans..

enabling autotarget and putting the add names in might take care of that part (personally i just ignore them, but..)
see freedo's post for some tips on mcp singular focus on your own
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Re: Gangel grind option request

Postby Kleever » 16 Dec 2013, 14:40

You would also want to have singular focus turned on if you did that, otherwise your ae auto attack and whatnot would heal gangel.
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