Darkpaw Warrens - Korrosk (H3)

Darkpaw Warrens - Korrosk (H3)

Postby Kannkor » 14 Aug 2024, 21:52

This is patched out. EVERYONE will need a new export after this patch and before doing this mob.

Okay... First up, this fight is a complete disaster, and I can see why real players have zero interest in doing this fight.

Secondly, and this pains me to say, LostOne deserves at least a little tiny bit of credit for this code. I obviously did alllllllllllllllllllllllll the hard parts, but he did make for a good cheerleader. (Okay seriously, if you're going to use this, you should probably thank him, without him this probably wouldn't have happened).

I personally don't know all the ins and outs of this fight, because the sections that LostOne coded, I just kind of ignored. The details I provide for this fight won't be inclusive of everything going on, just focusing on what you need to know to be able to functionally beat this fight.

You need someone to charm. YOU will be responsible for managing your own charm. A coercer is super easy, you charm a mob at the start and you're done. If you don't have a coercer... good luck.

Kill all the groups of mobs EXCEPT for 1 group (of 3) "an exiled centurion" and 1 group (of 3) "an exiled augur". This means you should have 7 mobs up total. A group of 3 cents, a group of 3 augur's and the named.
Go to the base of the platform, at around this loc:
Code: Select all
/waypoint 175.298218,23.041672,196.898636

Make sure campspot is on everyone (including the tank)
Do a setup, or engage (I would pull with charm, personally, but you do you).
At this stage, you need to charm a mob. (if you have a coercer, there is code in place to attempt to maintain a charmed mob, but it has limited testing since charming on pull means you have one forever).

Fighting Korrosk!
For the most part, the entire fight is "automated", but not perfectly. That means you will need to watch and listen to alerts for things you need to "help" it along with.
Here is a map that is helpful to understand what is going on.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... 304806f5c&
Throughout the fight, there is a curse that needs cured. Everyone has to be together inside of an active bone circle. This is automated.
At 60% you will get blue rock adds that need to be killed ASAP, these are in the auto target list and are automated.
Aggro on the named. This will cause a group wipe, and unless your group has A++++ aggro management, you will die to this every single pull. The bot will attempt to use snaps when appropriately to try to keep aggro, but you may need to help it, by setting up your group for better aggro management, using more tips/tricks to maintain aggro. P.S. Be a guardian, makes life much easier. You will get an audible alert and a message to Ogreconsole when "Rampant Aggression" stacks change. If this hits 5, you wipe.
Starting at 95%, then every x seconds (like 1-2 minutes? Never timed it), a bunch of red globes will spawn in the circles (see the map linked above). To remove these, someone has to run to the totem that is assigned to that circle, and click it (the base from where the arrows come from, in the picture).
-> This creates an annoyance because you can't just "run" back because it's a raised platform. There's basically two ways back, run (which is fine, but you can only move so much because of some other stacks that aren't important), or you cheat and PORT BACK! MWHAHAHA... I'm kidding.. well, sort of. On this fight, after you click a totem, you can run into the circle that is now lite up, and "/point" to a different circle, and you will port to it! This is annoying, because some of the circles you can't run directly too.
This is how the bot handles the circles:
5, 7, 8, 9, 14 - click the totem, run to the circle, and port back to the group (using /point, don't worry, there's nothing shady going on, it's how real players do it).
15 - Run to the base of the platform (where you did the setup) then run back to the campspot
The rest, you run near the totem, then run back to the campspot.
#12 is an interesting one, because we can click it from on the platform, but if you fall off, that person will need help.
Any time #12 is required, you will get an alert of who is doing #12. Just watch them, if they fall off, pause them, and run them to the platform then back to the group (or jump up the side of the platform).
If at any point the bot believes someone may need help, you will get an alert with "toonname needs help". This likely means they either failed on clicking, or they failed to return to the group. Either way, tab over and see if you can "help" them.
If you wish to report a # not working, you can ONLY IF YOU CAN PROVIDE DEBUGGING INFORMATION. I need some ogreconsole and console debug that is automatically outputted. I need to know what actually happened. If you weren't paying attention and don't know, don't bother telling me, I won't know either!
If you fail these orbs, it's a group wide.
When adds come, some times they will be on the lower platform and you can't hit them. You may need to pause whoever they are on, and move them a bit so the adds come up to the top so you can kill them.
There is a bug on the fight (or maybe a misunderstanding on my part). There are two buffs called Weaked Mind and Weakened Matter. When you interrupt the named at a specific time, it's suppose to swap them. However, some times it will just break and not swap, and you're stuck with it. The problem is, each stack of this, prevents you from being healed by 10%. For example, with 1 stack, your max HP is 90%/100%. With 5 stacks, it's 50%/100%. So you'll see your toons not being "healed" and that's because they can't be. This seems to be relatively rare, and if it happens... well... deal with it I suppose.

This isn't going to be a "I clicked go and got my loot" type of fight. It's likely going to be a bit of a slog fest, and you'll be watching your tank helping with aggro, and tabbing to toons as you watch them do orbs.

Good luck!
Lastly, for all of you that harassed me about this fight.. it's finally done, now lose my number, I hate each and every one of you! :)
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

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