Sharing my map interaction script

Sharing my map interaction script

Postby user01 » 13 Sep 2015, 14:22

Hey all -

I've attached the script I use to interact with the bell/portal map. This script expects the map to already be open. It works by moving the mouse and clicking, so if you're at your PC using the mouse, you'll likely not zone anywhere (or end up in the wrong zone).

Sample usage:
runscript MapNav Portal "The Thundering Steppes"
runscript MapNav Bell "The Thundering Steppes"

Because of the issues mentioned above with using the mouse, i normally surround usage in a while loop such as:

while !${Zone.Name.Equals[The Thundering Steppes]}
Actor[Globe of Norrath]:DoubleClick
wait 20
runscript MapNav Bell "The Thundering Steppes"
wait 300
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