HOWTO: Use RoR Adorn: Rune of Torment

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HOWTO: Use RoR Adorn: Rune of Torment

Postby Kannkor » 20 Jan 2023, 18:14

This requires OgreBot Version 17.207L or later to work. This is patched out on development build as of now!

This is the adornment I'm referring too.

However, this process is the exact same for any adornment that works the same way.
2023.01.20 - At the time of writing this, the "Field Medic" adorn, should NOT be done this way, because it has a super broken in combat that can break everything. There's a checkbox on the "OTHER" tab in Ogrebot that will handle field medic for you.

First thing you have to do, is set up so Ogrebot knows that this item, or this slot, casts a buff with a different name.
See this post for how.
Here is the line to add for torment rune.
Code: Select all
<Setting Name="${Me.Equipment[head].Name}">Tormented Visage</Setting>

This tells the bot, that if your head item is ever "used", it will cast tormented. Which seems to have been valid for quite a few years. If you really wish, you can use exact item names also.

I would reload Ogrebot at this stage, so you have a fresh load, because at the end we're going to save this. We don't want to save any odd things you changed by accident.

In Ogrebot, go to the Items tab, and click Refresh.

If the _ADORN_Rune of Bloodbound Torment is NOT already on the right side, go ahead and add it like the below.
Scroll down until you find _ADORN_, and double click on the Rune of Bloodbound Torment. It should go to the right side. Click Update in the top right'ish.
Click on the Tags tab.
Add a new tag, I'm going to call it "Torment". Add the tag.

Click on the new entry called "Torment", put 10 into the duration (or however long you want it to be, I feel like 10 seconds is good). Click [x] [Me] only. Click "Add Entry" at the bottom.
It should appear over on the right.

Go to the caststack, scroll down to find our item (it's alphabetical under I, for Item). Select it, fill in the type. In this example I'm using "NamedCA". Choose "My HP >" and enter 90; we do this so we only use it if we're full on health to avoid dying. Select RIE, telling the bot ONLY use this if the item is equipped, it cannot be done from your inventory.
Under "Embargo Tag", select the tag we made, in this case, "Torment". Leave the "Type" blank, this means both, which is what we want. Click Add Entry.

Move the entry on the right side to whereever you want it in your caststack (for DPS, usually quite high, for priests, I do mine after some group wards/hots etc, but you can do whatever you want).
Save your profile.
Reload the bot, so it reloads everything we did. Go smack a training dummy and see if it worked!

As an added bonus, while you're setting these up, you can add a "Torment" custom tag to it, so you can easily turn off JUST these on people if you want. This is entirely optional, but could save you down the road.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

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