Tags - Embargo and Allow

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Tags - Embargo and Allow

Postby Kannkor » 01 Dec 2020, 20:28

The 'Tag Embargo' and 'Tag Allow' features can be used to deny (Embargo) or permit (Allow) casting of abilities in your 'Cast Stack'.

Tag names must first be defined in the 'Tags' tab and configured with either a static duration or the duration of the triggering ability (+/- an optional duration adjustment). Additional options allow you to control how and to who the tag is announced and end the tag early if the ability leaves the maintained spell window [M].

Tag usage is configured on a per ability basis in the Cast Order on the 'Cast Stack' tab. Configured tags can be selected under the Embargo Tag and/or Allow Tag dropdowns, with a Type selected for each. The default (blank) type configures the specified tag to both listen and trigger in addition to options for Listen Only or Trigger Only.

Embargo Tags:
An ability in the Cast Order with an Embargo Tag Type set to Trigger Only will trigger the specified Embargo Tag on cast and announce it based on the options and duration defined in the 'Tags' tab.

An ability in the Cast Order with an Embargo Tag Type set to Listen Only will only cast if the specified Embargo Tag has either not been triggered or until a triggered tag's duration has expired.

An ability in the Cast Order with an Embargo Tag Type set to blank (both Trigger and Listen) triggers the specified Embargo Tag as above, as long as it meets the Listen Only requirements to cast. Note: By definition, an Embargo Tag of Type both (blank) can only cast and trigger as long as that Embargo Tag is not currently active.

Allow Tags:
An ability in the Cast Order with an Allow Tag Type set to Trigger Only will trigger the specified Allow Tag on cast and announce it based on the options and duration defined in the 'Tags' tab.

An ability in the Cast Order with an Allow Tag Type set to Listen Only will not cast unless the specified Allow Tag has been triggered and the duration has not expired.

An ability in the Cast Order with an Allow Tag Type set to blank (both Trigger and Listen) triggers the specified Allow Tag as above, as long as it meets the Listen Only requirements to cast. Note: By definition, an Allow Tag of Type both (blank) can only cast and trigger if the Allow Tag is already active.

Both Tags:
It is possible to configure abilities to use both Embargo and Allow Tags which follow all of the rules above.

Special thanks to Myzer for this write up.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

Re: Tags - Embargo and Allow

Postby scroticus » 13 Jan 2021, 14:23

Is there any chance we could get an image based tutorial for this? Say for example you were running multiple troubadors and wanted their PoTMs to be cast offset from each other (when one goes down, the next troub casts).
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Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 18:49

Re: Tags - Embargo and Allow

Postby Kannkor » 14 Apr 2023, 15:59

Here are some additional information from a user on discord "korp".

Allow tags allow spells, embargo tags stop spells. Listeners read, triggers write. At least as far as I understand it. The real benefit, imo, is making the group listen/trigger and react based on them.

So let's say you only want to cast some fast nuke when POTM is up, and you want to spam it. You'd have your troub trigger an allow tag called "potm_up" when you cast it. You'd have beam on your illy listen for an allow tag named the same. Bam, you're set, now it only casts when POTM is up. Someone wrote, someone read.

Now let's say you have two healers in the group, and you're in an area where you're getting spammed with debuffs. You might make a tag called "gcure" and give it a duration of 2 seconds, then set gcure as an embargo tag with the blank type (meaning both reader and writer) on both your healers. Now whoever gets to it first will set the tag, for 2s, and the other won't cast group cure immediately after the first and waste it. Both healers are both reading and writing here, as necessary.

You have to set a duration here because the bot can't read a duration off a group cure, because there isn't one. Above, it knows POTM has a duration and how long, so it's automatic.

You can also manually set allow tags with a button/command, so you could do something like set the allow tag, have everyone listen, and add all their prebuff sorts of spells to it. Group ward, porcupine, ice lash, that sort of thing. Hit the button, anything tagged with it is allowed for a period of time, then it's back to normal rotation.
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