HOW TO: MCP: Sharing is Caring

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HOW TO: MCP: Sharing is Caring

Postby Kannkor » 24 Sep 2019, 23:58

MCP: Sharing is Caring

Watch the short video on it! MCP: Sharing is Caring Video here!

A way to copy/paste buttons for yourself, and for your friends!

Copy/Pasting buttons for yourself:
Right click on a button. In the bottom left, choose "Copy Button".

Right click on a different button. In the bottom left, choose "Paste Button".

If you wish to keep your new, copied button, hit Apply to. If you do not wish to keep it, hit cancel.

Sharing with your friends... or enemies.
We start off the same way.
Right click on a button. In the bottom left, choose "Copy Button".

This actually copies some "code" to your clipboard.
Go to your friend, say on discord, or email etc. And paste (Control + V, or right click -> Paste). It will paste something like this:
Code: Select all

Have your friend then highlight the code and copy it.
Right click on a different button. (DO NOT HIT THE PASTE BUTTON!)
Have them go into the console, and paste (control + V). The code should appear in the console.
MCP_PasteCodeInConsole.PNG (4.5 KiB) Viewed 11585 times

Press enter, and the edit button should populate.

If you wish to keep your new, shared button, hit Apply to. If you do not wish to keep it, hit cancel.
Posts: 363
Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

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