Raid Information - Chaos Descending

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Re: Raid Information - Chaos Descending

Postby Kannkor » 28 Feb 2019, 13:05

Jarry0760 wrote:Thank you for Information!
We have a problem about Arch Mage Yozanni,we do it with 3grp.when add up,boss is about 92%ish,the damage "Surge: Afflicting Flames" going to overwhelm and start killing ppl,we even didnt start getting incureable curse ,do we miss something?

Doing things shorthanded increases the pulse damage by a LOT. I estimate the damage increase from missing 1 group (6 people), is 2-4 times more incoming damage.
If you're going for the shorthanded achievement, you will want to be VERY much over geared. If that's just the size of your raid, recruit more people :P
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

Re: Raid Information - Chaos Descending

Postby Jarry0760 » 01 Mar 2019, 02:34

Currently we did Magmaton,Jopal the Thief,Derugoak,Mudmyre damage is just fine. didnt try Pyronis and Pherlondien Clawpike cus of inactive..
anyway will try when out grp 4 build engough res,thank you
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Joined: 04 Jul 2015, 00:09

Re: Raid Information - Chaos Descending

Postby FitsBueller » 14 Mar 2019, 17:52

Question on Xegony and specifically the celestial weapons. How many people in raid required the weapon to get by with enough dps to kill Xegony? Given the crazy amount of farming for the 50 stones would like to be able to prioritize who gets the drops from the zones and possibly split the raid to target different types. Any info is much appreciated!
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Re: Raid Information - Chaos Descending

Postby Kannkor » 16 Mar 2019, 22:45

FitsBueller wrote:Question on Xegony and specifically the celestial weapons. How many people in raid required the weapon to get by with enough dps to kill Xegony? Given the crazy amount of farming for the 50 stones would like to be able to prioritize who gets the drops from the zones and possibly split the raid to target different types. Any info is much appreciated!

You can technically kill Xegony with 1 weapon, but I do NOT recommend it.. haha.
For all weapons, your t1 DPS should be the priority. For example, our ranger has all 3 weapons (air/earth/fire), as does our warlock, then our second warlock, then swash, then brig, etc etc. Work down the list. No reason to split or anything like that, best dps gets them all until they are done.

With 11 weapons, and a well geared raid, Xegony is a 35 minute fight (both normal and mythic versions of her), for example.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49


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