Raid Strategies - Shard of Hate

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Raid Strategies - Shard of Hate

Postby Kannkor » 18 Jul 2018, 02:03

I hate puzzles. I hate figuring this shit out. There's very little information out there, so a group of us figured much of this. Thanks to everyone who provided input and strategies.
This zone works in "rounds". There are 6 rounds, and in each round, there are 4 possible named that can spawn, based on what you do. Once a named is spawned, that named is "locked in" and you cannot spawn a different name, and cannot progress until that named has been defeated. Some of these named (I'm talking to you, Culler of Bones), is MUCH more difficult than most of the named in the zone to try to get flawless on.
I have included which tier each named is, which is only useful if you are wanting to figure out which flawless achievement they are used for. The tier of the mob is NOT a direct correlation to how difficult the mob is (IMO).

Round 1:

Tier 1 Named: Archbone Fiend
How to Spawn: Click skulls. Once you've clicked them all named spawns.
Kill Strategy: None.
Bot information: Simple and easy.

Tier 1 Named: Deathrot Knight
How to Spawn: Pick up weapons and place them into the weapon rack (near the anvil).
Kill Strategy: Kill Adds Kill named
Bot information: Simple and easy.

Tier 1 Named: Culler of Bones
How to Spawn: Click piles of bones. Once you've clicked them all named spawns.
Kill Strategy: Joust out on Disorientate. Joust in after Noxious Jolt has landed. Rinse repeat.
The closer you are to him, the lower version (more damage) of Noxious Jolt.
Joust out == 50+ meters == Noxious Jolt IX.
Bot information: Absolutely terrible. Will never do this fight ever again. Hardest fight of all the named up until the last round.

Tier 1 Named: Lord of Decay
How to Spawn: Click note to the right of zone in up a ladder
Kill Strategy: Corpulous twin. Snares everyone in the raid with 5 noxious increments, then drops black cloud you must joust 20 meters away from.
Bot information: Annoying. Kill it once for the flawless, then never do it again.

Round 2:

Tier 1 Named: Lord of Ire
How to Spawn: Kill Effigy of Ire Billy Dolls, find puzzle box 3 times
Kill Strategy: Do NOT cure curse. Person with Curable Curse needs to pick up item on floor and cure people with incurable Curse..... chooses a different person to curse every 25%.
Bot information: Annoying. Kill it once for the flawless, then never do it again.

Tier 1 Named: Lord of Loathing
How to Spawn: Kill scorn reapers and place on top of steps on the stage in the Abby
Kill Strategy: Ports people up top. Kill add, then kill generator under to release.
Bot information: Annoying. Kill it once for the flawless, then never do it again.

Tier 1 Named: Mistress of Scorn
How to Spawn: Kill thought destroyers and crouch (the entire raid) as you walk on the stage in the Abby
Kill Strategy: None.
Bot information: Simple and easy.

Tier 2 Named: Master of Spite
How to Spawn: Kill Spite golems and place them in red sparkly in the Abby
Kill Strategy: Red circle Joust away 5 secs after Red Blue circle spawns joust away Pulls people towards circles -- Red = Damage -- Blue == Mana Drain. You can "cheat" the pull from the circle by getting behind a wall, so the pull just pulls you into the wall.
Bot information: Annoying. Kill it once for the flawless, then never do it again.

Round 3:

Tier 1 Named: Hoarder P'Lewt
How to Spawn: Kill treasure chests and pay Emmisary of coin 500p
Kill Strategy: Healers can not cure Cure Via Pots or Mages
Bot information: Annoying. Kill it once for the flawless, then never do it again.

Tier 1 Named: Phantom Wraith
How to Spawn: Kill 10 Ire wraiths within the 10 minutes of the clock chime
Kill Strategy: Joust in and out. 20m for in, 40M for out... Starts with In on pull
Bot information: Campspot everyone, and do a set up for. Handles all the movement.

Tier 2 Named: Bleeder of Ire
How to Spawn: Kill Blood of Ire's (or something named very close to this). Once you've killed enough, go to the West side and there is a... bloodlet (like a switch) that you click on, and it spawns Bleeder of Ire.
Kill Strategy: Get behind or in front based on text.
Bot information: Campspot everyone, and do a set up for. Handles all the movement.

Tier 2 Named: Master P'tassa
How to Spawn: On the west side, near the big blue box? There is a vase on the ground. Click it to get an empty vase. There are sarcophagi (sarcophagus-eseses), you click them to fill the vase. Once filled, go back to the vase and click it to dump the blood into it. Do this 3-5 times and named spawns.
Kill Strategy: Tank Snap on message == Time to hit some softer targets. If you don't get aggro quick enough, will cause a fail effect. Ignore curses power regen.
Bot information: Annoying. Kill it once for the flawless, then never do it again.

Round 4:

Tier 1 Named: High Priest
How to Spawn:  Kill clerics for hats, on the sacrificial pit click the little switch, feed it hats.
Kill Strategy: check Detriment for Green or Purple... Run into corresponding Portal
Bot information: Campspot everyone, and do a set up for. Handles all the movement.

Tier 2 Named: Death Spinner Kdora
How to Spawn: Click torch by Anvil, equip, burn webs
Kill Strategy: On orange message Move away before Web spawns...  only 4 webs ever up at a time
Bot information: Annoying. Kill it once for the flawless, then never do it again.

Tier 2 Named: Demetrius Crane
How to Spawn: Clear west area of trash and let birds out
Kill Strategy: Someone gets ported into a cage, kill the cage to let the person out
Bot information: Not the worst, but not the best to do. Can just use auto target to target the cages and move around as people get ported into them.

Tier 2 Named: Hand of Maestro
How to Spawn: Destroy music boxes
Kill Strategy: Do not cast when shouldn't and keep moving! Stupid fight
Bot information: Annoying. Kill it once for the flawless, then never do it again.

Round 5:

Tier 1 Named: Coercer T'Vall
How to Spawn: Use barrels to blow up cage where PQ fuel merchant is
Kill Strategy: None.
Bot information: Simple and easy.

Tier 2 Named: Dreadlord D'Sonni
How to Spawn: Collect Tools, place in the Tool rack by the anvil (same weapon rack as the round 1 mob).
Kill Strategy: Lots of curing, but nothing other than that.
Bot information: Simple and easy.

Tier 2 Named: Grandmaster R'Tal
How to Spawn: Kill 3 "a Kiraikuei" to spawn "a Tiny Kiraikuei", then kill that.
Kill Strategy: Keep him constantly moving or BOOM! It's suppose to be if you get too far away from him, he stuns you for a while, but this happens even if you aren't far from him.
Bot information: Annoying. Kill it once for the flawless, then never do it again.

Tier 3 Named: Avatar of Abhorence
How to Spawn: (This may be wrong, as once it spawned a different named) Click a Watcher Look straight up near the zone in. HUGE gargoyle very high up on the wall.
Kill Strategy: When you cure curse, it moves to someone else. So delay curing it. Was something else also, I think a tank swap?
Bot information: Once we figure out how to spawn him, I'll script the cure curse.

Round 6:

Tier 3 Named: Ashenbone Broodmaster
How to Spawn: Loot bones from bone dragons and put in Urn near the piano
Kill Strategy: Tanks in front of the mob, the raid to the side. If you're behind him something happens I don't recall. Walk/crouch as he fears.
Bot information: Simple and easy.

Tier 3 Named: Avatar of Bone
How to Spawn: Clue: Forming golem out of bone of previous challenges and a strong knock. We killed: Culler of bones, mistress of scorn, master p'tassa, hand of maestro, grandmaster r'tal
Kill Strategy:
Bot information:

Tier 3 Named: Byzola
How to Spawn: Clue: Offer prior challenges skulls to the chapel of hate.
We spawned it by killing: deathrot knight, mistress of scorn, master ptassa, demetrius crane, dreadlord d'sonni
Kill Strategy: Tank Swap, With knock backs. For the tank swap, the Tanks will get a yellow message in their chat box, telling them they cannot hold it when the next check comes in.
Message the tanks get is: "Byzola keeps an eye out for YOU. If you are seen again, you will be deathtouched!
Bot information:

Tier 3 Named: Kpul D'Vngur
How to Spawn: Find a page of music (we found it in the abby).
Kill Strategy: Such a stupid fight. The descriptions of things are so terrible, you need to keep trying random shit to figure it out. Here is what I know.
In sets of 2, people will get uncurable curses. Each curse allows the those people to do an emote to 'cure' one of the other curses.
Divert Focus can cure Vocal Disruption by targeting that person and typing /meditate
Vocal Disruption can cure Dulled Alertness by targeting that person and typing /notice
Dulled Alertness can cure Divert Focus by targeting that person and typing /scream

If ANY of these expire (30 second duration) it's a raid wipe.

So, you get a set of curses, such as 2x Divert Focus. Then 10 seconds later, you get another set of curses, such as Vocal Disruption, then 10 seconds later you'll get the last set of curses, such as Dulled Alertness.
So, what we did, was waited until Divert Focus was down to 10 seconds, then cured it via Vocal Disruption. Then when Vocal Disruption was down to 10 seconds, we cured it with Dulled Alertness. Now, I was expected this to repeat itself, we'd get a new Divert Focus to be able to continue this cure chain... guess what, no more curses came, and when Dulled Alertness expired, it caused a raid wipe saying it wasn't cured in time.

Our guesses are, it's health based, so we weren't meeting the DPS check, OR, bards aren't allowed to be near the named, or they are killed, so it's possible bards have to do something.

Also, there are adds that need to be mezed on this fight. These adds do two things. First, use armor buster on who ever is tanking them (hurts a LOT), and secondly, casts something on the raid that drains their power to 0 and stuns/stifles them. Currently the adds are broken, and they continue to cast armor buster on RANDOM people. Even if you have a tank standing beside them, they still randomly cast and kill people in your raid. Oh, and if they happen to pick someone who has the uncurable curse and it kills them, you raid wipe.

Bot information: I don't even want to ever do this fight ever again. It hit my frustration limit figuring that much out. If someone has more information I'd gladly accept it.
They basically just removed everything from this fight except for the mezzing. So, mez the two mobs and afk.

Round 7:
How to Spawn: You must have someone (or maybe a number of people?) in the raid who have killed every other boss in SoH. THEN you must kill 6 specific named. While there are 3 or 4 ways to spawn Innoruuk. Each 'way' requires you to kill a specific 6 named. The only way that I can personally confirm, is annoying, but it's this:
Spawning Innoruk:
Deathrot Knight
Master of Spite
Master P'Tasa
Hand of the Maestro
Avatar of Abhorrence
Kpul D'Vngur

Strategy: 4 at a time, people will get Abhorrence. If you are near anyone else about 3 seconds later (other than people who also have Abhorrence), you will spread Applied Abhorrence to them, which is additional damage.
At times, people will get Misery, which gives you 100% bleedthrough (yay what a great mechanic). If you die, bad shit happens (I don't know what, because with 2 priests per group we flawlessed it).
OgreBot info: Campspot everyone and afk.

If you have any information to add, be missing, or a different opinion, feel free to post a response here or PM me/email me directly.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

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