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Trakanon - The road to pain

PostPosted: 08 Apr 2018, 02:41
by Kannkor
Quite a few people have asked/made comments about Trakanon, for epic 2.0 Mythicals.

We finally killed him last week, so.. here is my attempt of a write up for anyone wanting to attempt this feat.

First, let me start by saying this fight sucks, period. The amount of coding required for this fight is a complete nightmare. There's so many mechanics and so many things can happen at the same time. So if you are going to attempt this, you're going to spend HOURS at it, working through understanding what is happening, figuring out how to make things work for you, etc. I'm open to suggestions for changing code to make it easier, but I'm unlikely to do anything drastic unless there is some major benefit.

Some aspects of this fight are hardcoded, and unlikely to change. Just change your raid to match how it's coded.

Some raid requirements/preferences
You need 4 groups.
Your main tank group should be in group 1.
Your main DPS group for Trakanon should be in group 2.
Only people you want to use to kill jade golems should be in groups 3 and 4 (not in groups 1 or 2).
Groups 2-4 must have an enchanter, with profiles set up to mez.
Everyone should have nox cure potions enabled at the top of their cast stacks, just to help cure.
You will need to learn how to pull trak. He cannot be on/near the raid, or you will get a detrimental and wipe due to no mana.
Each group MUST have 4 thaums, and enchanters should NOT be one. Bards HAVE TO BE a thaum. You must also have the rune that extensions the duration of Toxic Life by 30 seconds (obtained from Sundered Frontier panda quests). Worth noting: You must have 1 of each ascension class in the raid. So make sure someone is a Geomancer/Elementalist/Etherealist.
All Thaumaturgists MUST have either the old Tome of the ascended, OR the new Tome of the ascended (PoP TS Quest Line) PLUS the rune that goes with it.
This means all Thaumaturgists will have Toxic life with a duration of 1 minute, and a recast of 3 minutes exactly. If their recast is NOT 3 minutes, fix it.
You CANNOT use ascension in this fight. (Technically there are parts in the fight where you can, but if you use them at the wrong time, you'll wipe, so just don't use them).
You should be using OgreIRC. You may be able to get around it if each group is being played by 1 person, but I've not tested it.
After you change your ascension class. YOU MUST RELOAD OGREBOT!

Tank campspot. Every (60s? There's on on-screen timer). Trak will call whoever is tanking out, and if they are tanking him when the timer hits 0, they die. To assist, tanks will go into subtle strikes at around 10 seconds and exit subtle strikes 15 seconds later (so 5 seconds after it's done). If the wrong person is tanking, you (should) get a text to speech of who is tanking.
If you are using guardians, they should use recapture to assist. This is one of the primary things to monitor in the fight.

Archtype Adds: At 90/70/50/30/10%, he calls 1 person from each archtype to kill an add. For tanks, it calls a tank who is NOT tanking Trak. Bards cannot be called, nor can Enchanters. (They get various other tasks). Bot will automatically target them, and you will return to the raid when you are done. Fighters used to have to be in offensive stance to kill these. Not sure it's required anymore.. as I've killed adds in defensive stances...

Summoned Detonators spawn, enchanters in g2, g3, and g4 will be placed where they can mez these.
If you mark a scout with detect weakness, they will mark these detonators for you. A # 1 means inert. A SKULL means KILL KILL KILL! Note: You MUST monitor this toon. If they are in the middle of detecting a detonator and they get ported to kill their add, you will need to intervene and assist the toon. Alternatively, you can just pause a toon and do the detecting manually.

a reet Ritualist - If these are alive, kill them.

The Sebilite Protector (black) - They do some KBs, need to die within x seconds or raid wipe, very easy to do. Just kill them.

A Jade Golem (green). - These are... annoying. Certain classes can kill them very well, such as rangers and summoners. These should be their # 1 priority, if too many of these are up, it's going to go to shit real fast. Note: Any toon trying to kill these will basically be perma stifled.

At 50%, Trakanon goes immune, and noxious cloud spawn. Whichever group runs up and right clicks the add, is the group that will get the buff that allows you to kill Trakanon for 90 seconds. Doing a 'set up for' will send the G2 bard to the closest cloud, G1 bard to the second closests, G3 bard to the 3rd closest, and G4 bard to the 4th closest. If there isn't as many up as bards, then only the first few bards will run. Once spawned, you can choose to kill whichever ones you want. We only kill them within 35 meter range. So that means usually only g1 and g2 will have the buff. You do not need to re-spawn noxious clouds until the buff is gone/almost gone from the groups. There is an on-screen timer for the 90 seconds.

Trakanon does an AE every... 45s or something. The only way to avoid it, is to use Toxic Life (why you ask? No one has any fucking idea, just something it does). This is why you need 4 Thaumaturgists, each with the extended rune. This should be handled entirely for you. If it fails, your entire group will get cursed. So cure curse and it's fine. Using some ascension abilities, will CANCEL the effects of Toxic life, so I'm not going to say it again, don't use ascension.

Wards do almost 0 on this fight, so that's cool...

No idea if this is true, but it's in the notes: "Shadowknights must remove their epic2.0 buff that removed detrimental effect on stance."

The notes say to not use tswipe. Not sure why or if it matters. Up to you if you wish to try it.

If anyone gets low on mana, they die.

Randomly people will get an uncurable (spores?). They will run to a designated area. Enchanters don't move (and don't need too).

Tanks randomly get a curse, if they get ported with this special curse, they cannot kill their add, and you will likely wipe, unless you do some serious trickery, like run back close enough to get a cure, but far enough to not let the add get close to trak, then kill him. But basically you're going to wipe. This shouldn't be an issue as long as toxic life is working, as people will get insta cured.

How to pull Trakanon...
Campspot outside of Trakanon, I'll get a /loc next time I pull him. Pull him here, once he gets here, use your MCP button that has the following code in it...
MCP Type: OgreIRC
Code: Select all
set up for Trakanon

You can add in some assisting here if you want. We use troubadors since they can't be ported. You do assisting however you want it.
When you hit this button, everyone will run to their designated spots, basically to the middle where it's aggro. Tanks have campspots too.
You'll see a bunch of spam to IRC about who is a Thaumaturgist, you can ignore it. It's just building a rotation for keeping toxic life up.
DPS him down to 98%, then STOP for a moment. When the add spawns, it tiggers the toxic life rotation. This needs to start BEFORE he gets to 95%, or you'll get a shit load of people cursed. So, get him to 98%, wait 5 seconds, then go nuts.

That's about it. Now you just have to make sure the right person is always tanking, the detect weakness person doesn't get railed by a port, that the SKULL summoned protectors get killed (I target them with my tank, make everyone assist me, when it dies, I hit an MCP button to change assists back to their appropriate person), try to keep your tanks alive from getting 1 shot from a 'massive jarring'.

For reference, our first kill was done with 6 deaths, in just under 9 minutes.
Our second kill, we first pulled him and had 2 deaths. Getting smoother!

Feel free to ask for help, and I'll direct you the best I can, but this fight sucks, plain and simple. You're going to have to spend a lot of time pulling to even see and understand all these mechanics. So put in the time so you understand what is happening before bombarding me with questions. I've spent so much time on this fight, I really have no desire to do more, or even discuss it (yet here I am writing this up to help people!).

If you can squeeze out a kill, mythicals are basically yours! (You still have to kill summoned ones, but that fight is 1000000000000000000 times easier).

Re: Trakanon - The road to pain

PostPosted: 09 Apr 2018, 13:35
by Kannkor
Here is a strat for the summoned ones, as requested.

In short, you spawn Saryn, kill Saryn to 50%, then Terris auto-spawns, kill Terris to 50%, Terris heals to 100% AND Saryn spawns. Then you kill Saryn to 0 while keeping Terris above 90%. Then kill Terris, and you win.

Of course, there is a little bit more to it, than that.

Saryn casts a 'wall'. This wall hits anything behind him like 10 meters AND everything in front of him by like 100 meters. They last for quite a while, so you can't place 2 walls in the same place.
Place the raid at around: 22.278757,-8.594055,11.299950
Have the tank that will be tanking TERRIS aggro Saryn. Once that group gets an uncurable detrimental (Trauma, I think), that tank can go to the middle'ish, and the other tank picks up Saryn, keeps him at 20 meters away from the raid and facing AWAY from the raid. You'll be at around: 31.920271,-8.594048,28.206161
Once he starts casting, and roots himself, get your tank to the raid. (Ogrebot makes a 'ding' noise, if you have sound on).
Once he's done with his wall, he will come to you at the raid. I keep him at the raid under the on-screen timer reaches 10 seconds, then pull him out to around here: 41.163170,-8.594059,10.754123
Wait for him to cast and root himself... Rinse and repeat back and forth until he despawns.
The moment Saryn poofs (at 50%), you need to do a:
set up for Terris
This will send everyone into their portals. You have 10 seconds from the time Saryn poofs to be INTO the portals, not just running there.
This is the AFK game. You get 10 seconds to get into the portals, then you have to be in the portals for 30 seconds. You need to do this as soon as Terris spawns, and every 10%. The last one happens at 60%.
After the 30 seconds at 60%, get back into position for Saryn. When Terris hits 50%, he heals to full and Saryn spawns, and you start the entire fight all over, except with BOTH mobs. Remember, do NOT get Terris to 90% or her script triggers. You need to kill Saryn first.
Same thing, when Saryn spawns, get her ASAP and keep her facing AWAY from the raid until she makes her first wall...
Once Saryn is dead, get into the bubbles again ( set up for Terris), and play the AFK game again.
Once Terris hits 60, she does her last afk game. So after the 30 second waiting period, you can have everyone come out of the portals and kill her.

Any time Terris is alive, she spawns an add that is rooted. It's actually the same add from Terris in the realm of despair. Just kill it before a second one spawns. I think they are called a waking nightmare and a waking SomethingElseIDoNotRemember.
You should keep Glacial Freeze on Terris at all times or she gains stacks. Which.. makes her hit harder? Or something.

At this stage you can loot and scoot.
HOWEVER, if you're on this stage for your mythical update, you have to run over and talk to someone, then click an orb that spawns in front of them, then wait 15 minutes for them to talk and get your update.