Kunark Ascending - Guide to Winning Part 2

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Kunark Ascending - Guide to Winning Part 2

Postby Kannkor » 24 May 2017, 16:02

It's that time again for another Guide to Winning!

If you haven't, you should read the previous expansions guide to winning. They contain some very valuable information, such as how to manage campspots and other various tricks.
Like usual, you should likely read the previous guides I have written, as each one helps in different areas.

Link to KA - Guide to Winning (Part 1)

Link to AoM - Guide to Winning

Link to ToV - Guide to Winning

Link to - Campspot/OFol

Proper group make up.
If you've read any of my previous guides, this basically repeats the same thing, over, and over. Use anything you want, but for best success, the standard group is still the best.
Tank, Bard, Enchanter, Priest1, Priest2, DPS.
At the time of writing this, the flavour of the month (fotm) is:
Tank, Dirge, Coercer, Mystic, Warden, Ranger.

Anyways... Do whatever will make you enjoy the game for your group.

Ascension is where most of your damage will come from in the end. This means you need to get on the ascension boat ASAP. This means you have to complete the KA signature quest line. This should be your #1 task. Once you are done that, you will want to set up Ogre ADT (Ascension Daily Task) to help you get scrolls. You want to do this every day. You can read more about it here: https://wiki.ogregaming.com/eq2/index.p ... nDailyTask
You will want to finish all 4 ascension classes to level 10. Once you do, you get a beast of a charm.

30 Quest item
If you complete 30 quests in OF AND have completed the ToT signature quest line, you get a really good secondary item. This is worth it. It's slightly annoying as you have to do a bit of faction grinding to get into Nyeclona... but just suck it up and do it. You have way worse things ahead of you... Unfortunately.

Combat Mitigation
Combat Mitigation is a stat NPCs have. This reduces the amount of damage they take from all sources as a percentage. The higher the combat mit, the higher the percent. There are items, procs, abilities that will reduce CM (combat mitigation) of the mob. This is important because it is PERCENTAGE based reduction. This means by reducing the NPCs CM, you are actually GAINING percentage based increase in damage to the mob. If you don't understand, that's okay, but just remember, combat mitigation reductions are the MOST important thing, period.
Every single NPC in KA has combat mitigation. The more difficult the mob, the more they have. Some scouts (predators/rogues for sure) can see how much they have with 'Detect Weakness'.
Here is a list items you should get for your toons ASAP.

It's been a while, but you may require this to do KA signature quest line, but I can't remember. If you don't have to do it, you should go back and do it right now. This item will be made obsolete when you get your epic 2.0, but there is a good chance you will not be able to complete the heroic zones without greenmist proc to help with CM.

KA Heritage Earring - Link here for quest
This is a very simple and short quest for a VERY good earring. The final mob for this ear may be a little challenging, but it's just a joust.

Epic 2.0
You may have looked at a bunch of Epic 2.0 abilities you get, and many of them are complete junk, but those aren't what makes the Epic 2.0 good. It's the 255 combat mitigation reduction proc. It's a complete game changer. Depending on the mob, reducing the mobs CM by a few thousand will double or triple your damage. Here is a real example.
My bot raid had very few epics, and no HQ ears. We did the first mob in Crypt Raid, we were doing 8b DPS. We did the first mob in Crypt Expert-Raid, we were doing 800m DPS. We did them back to back, just to see how combat mit was working. AFTER debuffs were in, the Expert named was at 21k combat mit. We couldn't meet the DPS check. We went and got 24 ears, and finished a few epics (6 or so I'd guess?). We when back to Crypt Expert-Raid, now after debuffs he was down to 14k combat mit. We did just under 7b DPS. We went from failing a 9 minute enrage timer, to killing it in 2min30s, from combat mit debuffs.

Still on Epic 2.0's, I thought this was worth mentioning. They absolutely suck to get. You will spend a lot of time doing grey faction quests, doing old signature time lines from xpacs from years ago. It's zero fun, you will get frustrated and want to murder gnomes. But, if you want to be able to kill anything in KA or any future expansion, they are required, period. There are some people out there that will do this work for you if you really don't want to do it. But it's really shitty work, so it's not cheap. Be prepared to spend some $$$ or have a large amount of Kronos to trade.

At this stage, until you're done everything from above, there's not much point in continuing below. If you do, it's an uphill battle.

Honestly, for the most part resolve does not matter at all. You'll get the amount of resolve you need 'by accident'. It would be very challenging for you to not have the required resolve with any amount of gear. Especially if you have done the above, as many of the rewards from the above have VERY high resolve.
Anyways, for the content you are doing, all you need to do is be equal resolve. (Have a Non-bard scout check with Detect Weakness). If the resolve of a NPC is 380, all you need is 380 resolve. If you have 2350 resolve, it is the exact same as having 380 on that fight. Higher does not help. Being too low is a huge impact, but like I said, you would have to try really hard to not meet all the resolve requirements.

Doing zones
Make sure you have the mission quests for the zones before doing them. You can get very good rewards from these mission quests. Yes, most of the great rewards are rare, but if you are going to run zones anyways, make sure you have the mission quests.

Heroic Zones
While there is a list some where of which zones are suppose to be the easiest, and they were split into a couple of tiers, trying to designate which ones are tier 1 (easy), which ones are tier 2 (hard). Take this with a grain of salt, as not all zones were created equally. For example: The t1 zone Reavers Remnants is MUCH more difficult than the t2 zone Xalgon's Stronghold.
Make good use of your time. If you can't finish a zone in an acceptable amount of time, move on. Try all the zones and see which ones you can complete, and in which time. Focus on the ones you can complete, and keep running them once per day until you gear up enough to move onto the more challenging ones. Keep doing this and you'll gear up in no time.
Posts: 363
Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

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