Pracitcing Basic Movement (Campspot/OgreFollow)

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Pracitcing Basic Movement (Campspot/OgreFollow)

Postby Kannkor » 04 Jan 2015, 01:06

This is a pretty common question, how does one use/get the most out of the movement options; Campspot and OgreFollow.

Here is a very basic way to safely practice some of these options.
First, you will be doing this in a guild hall, with a training dummy to start. Why? Because if you try doing it against a mob that can kill you, you'll get frustrated and die, which will make you more frustrated, you'll start skimming and missing steps, get angry, ask for help while angry, then be even more angry at the responses from people trying to help you, which will make you more angry.... I'm sure you see where this is going. So if you really do want to practice and get better, guild hall it is.

In a big open room, put a training dummy down on the ground, and make it immune. Do not engage. If you do engage, then target yourself.

What is OgreFollow?
OgreFollow is a replacement to in-game follow. It handles a few aspects of moving much better. For example, you won't run around in a big circle ever.. :)
More importantly, when you are close to the person, you can turn and face any direction you want.
You can also change the distance you want to follow.

How to set up OgreFollow.
You may already have an OgreFollow button. Probably called "OFol-Dft". If you want to use it, that is fine. If you want to make a new one to use and follow along, that is fine too.
Right click on an empty button (Or right click on your Ofol-Dft button).
In the "Select Command" drop down, select "OFol-Dft"
Give it a name "Custom Button Name:". Lets name it "Fol-Me" - for "Follow Me".
In the parameters, we want 4 parameters. This will all be on separate lines.
Code: Select all

Lets break it down what this means.
The first parameter is "Who should follow". Which of your toons do you want to listen to this command? "All" just means everyone.
Next, "Who to follow". This is who do you want everyone to follow. You are more than welcome to type in your toons names. I use "${Me.Name}" because then it doesn't matter what character you are on. It reads the actual name of your character, at the time you press the button.
Your window should look like this.
Button_Fol-Me.PNG (68.01 KiB) Viewed 4828 times

Now press "Apply to Ofol-Dft" (If you edited a button, it may say something different).
Make sure your toons are NOT paused.
Now press your button.
Now move that toon around, and the toons behind them should follow.
Run around the guild hall a little bit and see how they follow. You will need to be a little careful if you run through archways etc.
If you want them to be closer to you, edit the button (right click) and change the "8" to a lower number. Try 3. (2 is generally the lowest you'll want to go. If you have good FPS you can try 1, but it's very difficult for bots to actually stay THAT close to you, without running past you, and having to turn around and try again). After you put 3 in there, hit apply, and press the button again. People should now be much closer to you.

If you want people to "hold up" (stop following, temporarily), press your "HoldUp" button. This just disengages OgreFollow. Want it back on? Press "Letsgo".
Give it a try! You will need to be a little careful, the bots aren't that smart. If you do a "HoldUp", then run behind a corner, then do a "LetsGo", they will end up getting frisky with the wall.

Head on over to the training dummy, and stand about 15 meters away or so. Now target it. Anyone who has "Move into melee range" or "Move Behind Mob" checked, will run on over and start attacking!
If you target yourself again, those toons that ran in, should now return to their following you. It's like a good little puppy, they always come back home.

Worth noting, if you use "NoMove", it will turn off follow AND stop them from running into melee range or behind. LetsGo clears it all, the same as it does for HoldUp.

Onto CampSpot! And worth noting, you do not need turn off OgreFollow to do this.

Even if you have a Campspot button, lets make a new one.
Right click on an empty button.
Select Command: CS_Set_CampSpot
Give it a name. Custom Button Name: MyCS
Now for parameters.
Code: Select all

Parameters mean:
Who will campspot? "All" means everyone.
Now the distances. The first number, is how close does the toon need to be, to the location before they are satisfied with being there. Feel free to try any number you want. Again be careful going too low, because it can cause ping ponging. Lets do 2.
The second number is max distance. This is more of a safety thing than anything. If you evac, hopefully you are over 125 meters so you don't start running back into walls etc. If you find yourself in huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge massive areas and for some reason you need them to run back even if they are 150 meters away, you go right ahead and change this value.

Your button should look like this.

First thing to check, is anyone you will want to campspot, MUST have "Allow Camp Spot" checked. Generally speaking you want it checked on everyone EXCEPT your tank. So you can move them freely around.

Press your MyCS button!
Now move your tank 20 meters away. You should notice everyone is still where they were standing when you pressed the MyCS button.
Bring up one of your toons that is campspot (alt tab, or however you get to them!). Now try to move them manually, they should very quickly snap right back to their spot. They really don't want to move. If you do need to move them, you can pause the bot, then move them (say to click something?), then simply hit resume, and they will immediately want to return to their campspot again.

When you want to remove campspot, you can use "LetsGo" and it will remove the campspot. When you want them to be campspotted again, press the MyCS button.

Campspot everyone again (Press MyCS). Do this about 20 meters away from the training dummy.
Move your tank about 10 meters away from the group. Doesn't matter which direction.
Lets pretend now you want your team to be campspotted over here. You COULD do it the long way, and do a lets go, wait for them to come over, then do a new campspot. Or.. we can do it the easy way.
Lets make a new button.
Right click on an empty button.
Select Command: CS_Set_ChangeCampSpot
Custom Button Name: CCS_Me
(Stands for ChangeCampSpot_ToMe)
Code: Select all

Parameter 1: Who will change. All.
The next 3 parameters, is basically using real time information. Make sure you type them exactly as they are.

Your button should look like this.
Button_CCS-Me.PNG (68.63 KiB) Viewed 4828 times

Your tank should be 10 meters away from your group, now press your new CCS_Me button. Your group should start running to that spot. You can actually move your tank before they get there. You basically told them the new spot they should be when you pressed the button. You can trust them to listen, no need to wait for them!
Now, feel free to start running around your GH and press this button while you are running.

Once you're done being silly with your train of toons, campspot them about 15-20 meters away from the dummy.

Jousting is basically allowing or not allowing your toons to move while campspotted. Think of it like a "HoldUp" and "LetsGo" but for campspot. (You can't use LetsGo on a campspot, because that completely removes it!).
Joust-In - Means allow people to joust in. This means they are permitted (but not required) to leave the campspot.
Joust-Out - Basically removes the Joust-in. This tells them they must stay at the campspot.
Don't press any of these buttons yet, and target the training dummy.
You should notice no one will move. This is correct since everyone is campspotted.
Press the "Joust-In" button now.
If you don't have Joust buttons (Called Jst-In and Jst-Out) you can make them now. The commands are "Jst-In" and "Jst-Out".
Now anyone with "Move into melee range" or "Move behind mob", should have left their campspot, and went on over to smack the dummy.
Now lets pretend OMG SUPER BAD RED TEXT is coming! GET OUT!!!!
Press the "Jst-Out" button. Everyone should return to the campspot.
Whew, that was close!
Okay, do another Joust in. We need to look at another scenario.
Lets pretend this mob does a massive knockback with no notification for you to react.
Tab over to your priests or mages (assuming you don't have move into melee range on them), and you will probably notice they can move freely. This is because with a Joust-In, they are permitted to move (but not required). Well, a knockback will move them, and they won't move until you do a joust out.
The problem is, really bad knockbacks can send you millions of miles away!

We can fix this. It's called using "Joust-Off". This tells toons they are NOT permitted to move ever. Even on a joust-in. They are to sit in their campspot, and like it.
Lets make a new button.
Select Command: Jst-Off-Who
Custom Button Name: Jst-Off
Code: Select all

Parameter 1: Who should not joust in. We do NOT want to put all here, because that would mean no one would joust in. If that's the case, why press the Jst-In button at all?
In this case, we want to use "Casters". Which simply means, all priests and all mages.
There are a lot of various options you can use here. I won't get into that in this post.
Your button should look like this.
Button_Jst-Off.PNG (64.52 KiB) Viewed 4828 times

Okay. Now where were we... We were 20 meters away from the named, and do a joust out to get everyone back in one spot.
Now press your new Jst-Off button. Technically you won't "see" anything happen.
Now press your Jst-In button.
The scouts run to the mob again.
Now tab over to a priest, or a mage and try to move them.
HA! They snap right back. Now, if a knockback happens, the priests and mages will stay at their campspot, and the scouts will continue to engage the named, even during the knockback!
If you want your scouts to return back to the campspot, hit Jst-Out! Everyone is back in one pile again.

Lets look at one more example, before this truly turns into a TL;DR post!
In this example, we'll assume you need to change your campspot for your group, but you can't use the CCS_Me button (maybe you don't want them to come to you).
For this, we're going to use North/East/South/West buttons.
Find a spot where you want these 4 buttons.
Lets make all 4 buttons.
Select Command: CS_Set_ChangeCampSpotBy
Custom Button Name: North
Code: Select all

Select Command: CS_Set_ChangeCampSpotBy
Custom Button Name: East
Code: Select all

Select Command: CS_Set_ChangeCampSpotBy
Custom Button Name: South
Code: Select all

Select Command: CS_Set_ChangeCampSpotBy
Custom Button Name: West
Code: Select all

Okay! Now that we have our buttons made. Lets try them out.
Have your tank stand at the dummy, and your group is 20m away. Lets pretend you want them to move North 20 meters. Press your North button once. You should see them move north 20m.
Now hit your West button! They should move 20m west from their current location. Now Sout... no.. I think you get it. :)

Practice, and use these skills, and you will quickly be able to overcome a lot of mob scripts.
Posts: 362
Joined: 06 Nov 2013, 11:49

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