freedo's pro tips

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freedo's pro tips

Postby freedo » 12 Dec 2013, 00:56

One of the Labs fights has a catch that if you burn an add down faster than the named, he'll heal to 100%. Singular Focus will help turn off all your multi attacks (but not your green and blue AoE's) - but I don't bother, the auto attack from my tank and ranger are what needs to be trimmed back. Turn on singular focus. If you don't have it, time to visit each trainer in your hometown for the cheap spell. I made two buttons ghetto style for the MCP:


Singular Focus Toggle homebrew:



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Re: freedo's pro tips

Postby Tantroth » 12 Dec 2013, 18:09

Cool, I was trying to get this to work last weekend, but now I think I see what I did wrong. Thanks!
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Re: freedo's pro tips

Postby pz » 12 Dec 2013, 22:21

nice, thanks. fyi doesn't seem to *need* the quotes, but prob safer havin em i guess.
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Re: freedo's pro tips

Postby Kannkor » 13 Dec 2013, 04:44

primalz wrote:nice, thanks. fyi doesn't seem to *need* the quotes, but prob safer havin em i guess.

Adding extra quotes can be a bad thing. MCP takes any words with a space, and adds quotes to them automatically. I'm actually surprised adding quotes yourself doesn't specifically break something.
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