Debuff request
Posted: 31 Jan 2014, 08:16
Hi Kannkor,
Could it be possible to add a new type for V17, Debuff and maybe DebuffNamed. Also add a check box in setting to disable them. First that would help visually to see your debuff spell in the cast tab. It would be also easy to activate or deactivate your debuff spells. When you fight trash mob you dont really need debuff and by disabling them you can improve your DPS. Just an idea.
Could it be possible to add a new type for V17, Debuff and maybe DebuffNamed. Also add a check box in setting to disable them. First that would help visually to see your debuff spell in the cast tab. It would be also easy to activate or deactivate your debuff spells. When you fight trash mob you dont really need debuff and by disabling them you can improve your DPS. Just an idea.